
Rethinking the investor relations manager, ESG impact on corporate ratings is growing

Rethinking the investor relations manager, ESG impact on corporate ratings is growing

By CSE research department   Sustainability ESG considerations are increasingly being integrated into the core of corporate strategy and governance frameworks, as well as the lending and investment decisions of financial institutions. The growing interest in sustainability generates increasing influence of ESG issues on strategic and management decisions. Sustainability takes on more weight globally and […]

Innovation and sustainable solutions for the superyacht industry future

Innovation and sustainable solutions for the superyacht industry future

Sustainability seems to be an integral part of innovation for the superyacht industry as environmental considerations are topping the list of yachting owners. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the minimization of their carbon footprint are the key trends of future innovations, which will enable technologies to improve efficiency.   Significant budgets are spent […]

Sustainability (ESG) as a game changer: Sustainability (ESG) Professionals in the Spotlight

Sustainability (ESG) as a game changer: Sustainability (ESG) Professionals in the Spotlight

By CSE research team   Sustainability (ESG) Professionals hold a corporate-critical role in the 2021 business mindset. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are changing their business models in order to adapt to various challenges due to the pandemic and boost their resilience. At the same time, industry titans and global corporations step up their ambitions […]

What does it take to align your business with the Paris Climate Agreement?

What does it take to align your business with the Paris Climate Agreement?

By Thomas Weber, CSE North America Coordinator of Consulting Services   For true leaders, it has to begin with the core understanding and recognition of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (ESG) principles.   2020 gave numerous Sustainability lessons to be learned on a fast track. Now is the time to reflect on your corporate strategies, acknowledging that […]

The EU Commission is stepping into 2021 with Sustainability (ESG) at the forefront

The EU Commission is stepping into 2021 with Sustainability (ESG) at the forefront

The EU Commission believes that EU based companies are gradually focused on the short-term financial benefits of shareholders rather than their long-term interests and sustainable value creation, a recent study has found.   If this is indeed a fact, it runs a risk of hurting the investment capacity of firms and damage cash flow. For […]

CSE Research on why ESG practices bring improved financial results

CSE Research on why ESG practices bring improved financial results

What Do Companies With Improved Financial Results Have in Common in Terms of ESG Practices and Frameworks? CSE Research explores why ‘doing business as usual’ is no longer a valid option and the shift to doing business in a sustainable way’ is the only way to secure companies’ trust and financing. CHICAGO,  3BL Media Press […]

What the CFO needs to know about ESG issues

what cfo needs esg issues

As standard-setters, such as the SASB, GRI, TCFD  which are international institutions, like the World Economic Forum, they have been working together to achieve convergence and harmonization of ESG disclosure requirements across sectors. It is noticed that pressure grows on CFOs to get involved in the ESG conversation, in order to improve corporate strategy and […]

How is CSR implemented into EU Company Law?

How is CSR implemented into EU Company Law?

Until recently, the adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies was a matter of voluntary practice on the part of business. The role of CSR is very important to the European economy as it makes companies more sustainable and innovative, contributing to a more sustainable economy. Over the last years, the optional provisions tend to […]

What do Fortune500 companies and other leading governmental organizations have in common?

What do Fortune500 companies and other leading governmental organizations have in common?

They all trust CSE on Sustainability (ESG) Consulting Services to maximize their Impact.   Integrated Sustainability (ESG) consulting services by a global leader Our services are designed to assist our clients to improve their business performance while having an impact, build brand loyalty and innovate through the continuous integration of Sustainability (ESG) principles into their […]

10 Trends that will shape Sustainability in 2021 and beyond

10 Trends that will shape Sustainability in 2021 and beyond

By CSE Research Team The COVID-19 pandemic came in 2020 to reinforce the climate crisis and increase business challenges and risks for investors and C-Suite Executives in several sectors. Let’s take a look at important trends, based on CSE recent research, which cannot be ignored by organizations. Climate risks, ESG factors for investors, non-economic disclosures, […]