ESG investing is on a growth trajectory; businesses act accordingly.

Numbers can rarely go wrong and that is a worth mentioned information when it comes to the sustainable funds in Canada. Although last year, ESG funds exceeded $ 3.2 billion, during the end of the first quarter the value of sustainable funds in Canada hit $ 18 billion according to Morningstar Canada. One of the […]
Yachting industry: sustainability is moving towards marinas

Sustainable transport is recognized as one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century and the yachting industry does have a significant impact on the environment. As the popularity of travel increases, it is even more important to make sustainability part of everyday lives. The yachting industry is being transformed by a new generation of […]
Singapore – Are you ready for the bold and ambitious green plan?

Singapore has one of the world’s biggest deforestation footprints per capita and the impact of climate change has become more intense in recent years. Forestry, urbanization and agriculture are the main drivers. The country now is heating twice as quickly as the global average and it is projected to reach 37 °C by the end […]
How to become a Carbon Neutral Company: What to avoid

Net-zero target setting is accelerating across cities, regions and companies in every continent. The trend shows no sign of slowing. According to the latest report of The New Climate Institute, there is a threefold increase in the number of businesses setting net zero goals. Specifically, the number of companies that have pledged to be carbon […]
Executives Praise CSE Training

June 15, 2021, was the culmination of CSE’s advanced Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program, Digital Edition (2021). Twenty-five C-suite, senior directors and managers attended this, the final three days of the training with live instruction from CSE’s founder and president Nikos Avlonas, CSE’s lead trainers for North America and program coordinator. The three-day live sessions […]
EU sustainable finance encourages fight against greenwashing

The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, which was introduced by the European Commission alongside the Taxonomy Regulation, has now become a reality. It’s part of the legislative measures, arising from the European Commission’s Action Plan on Sustainable Finance. Mandatory ESG disclosure obligations are now imposed for asset managers and other financial markets participants in order to […]
Unintended Consequences – the Social Impact of Sustainability Technologies

Remember when we debated paper or plastic bags? Drill an oil well or take down a forest? Today we debate whether EVs (electric vehicles) actually are more sustainable than combustion engines. Maybe not, if we consider a life cycle analysis (LCA); maybe yes if we consider lives lost to air pollution. Is automation and […]
EU claims global leadership in Non-Financial Reporting with the new NFRD

Sustainability data are becoming essential for effective corporate management and opportunities in the fast-changing world. In 2018, the EU introduced the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), requiring large entities to include a non-financial statement as part of their annual reporting obligations. Now, the European Commission is ready to adopt a new package of sustainable finance measures […]
CSE 2021 Sustainability ESG Trainings Tackle the Hard Issues

The Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) thanks all participants of our sold-out back-to-back training programs in 2021. The discussions were enlightening, and the key issues brought to the table critical. CSE’s Digital Certified Sustainability ESG Practitioner Program, Advanced Edition 2021 is a challenging three-day sustainability ESG program, designed for CEOs and C-level executives who want […]
Become the ESG Champion for your organization!

It is a growing challenge for senior executives to manage and prioritize the growing list of organizational concerns around mitigating risks around sustainable performance. Join our Leading Sustainability ESG Certification Program to gain valuable insight into the next steps in your Sustainability Planning! At the forefront are risks surrounding climate change as well as ESG […]