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Become the ESG Champion for your organization!

May 31, 2021
Become the ESG Champion for your organization!

It is a growing challenge for senior executives to manage and prioritize the growing list of organizational concerns around mitigating risks around sustainable performance. Join our Leading Sustainability ESG Certification Program to gain valuable insight into the next steps in your Sustainability Planning!

At the forefront are risks surrounding climate change as well as ESG visibility and performance – top priorities both for the investor community and company decision makers.

In parallel however executives are finding it challenging to navigate through the growing complexity in the regulatory landscape including EU policy changes regarding the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and the EU Taxonomy Framework on sustainable economic activities.

Some of the key concerns and challenges facing European companies today and for which senior executives are being asked to quickly gain an in depth understanding and learn how to address in the immediate future include :

  • Understanding the new regulatory landscape for Carbon Neutrality and new disclosure frameworks taking place in regard to climate risk and low carbon economies
  • Facing diverse investor concerns and motivations
  • Integrating ESG criteria into strategic goals and company reporting
  • Factoring the rising importance of social issues following the pandemic COVID-19
  • Addressing the need for effective waste management and adopting circular economy initiatives with an impact

These are some of the key topics that will be covered in the upcoming CSE specially designed program for C-level Executives – The Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program, June 24-25 & 28, Advanced Edition 2021, DIGITAL VERSION

To find out more about how you can join this highly in demand certified Sustainability Program please click here or reach us at [email protected]

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