The Rise of ESG: Challenges and Opportunities for 2021

Lessons learned from the ESG top 50 companies By CSE Research Team Chicago, February 4 – At the exclusive event “The Rise of ESG: 2021 Challenges and Opportunities” offered by the Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) to its Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioners in North America, the discussion revolved around key Sustainability challenges faced […]
What the CFO needs to know about ESG issues

As standard-setters, such as the SASB, GRI, TCFD which are international institutions, like the World Economic Forum, they have been working together to achieve convergence and harmonization of ESG disclosure requirements across sectors. It is noticed that pressure grows on CFOs to get involved in the ESG conversation, in order to improve corporate strategy and […]
The importance of Responsible Communication of Sustainability for the Yachting industry

The Yachting industry is an industry at the core of ocean health. In recent years, it has been under a lot of pressure to become more sustainable, which is why there has been an increase in environmental awareness, making efforts to become a global eco player both in how they are designed and their operations […]
Two critical tools in applying Sustainability: Materiality Assessment and ESG Reporting

By Nikos Avlonas, President and Founder of CSE Sustainability is a continuous process that iterates on itself, meaning if you report this year, you’ll want to do so again next year. What other steps might there be in the process? Educating leadership Evaluating existing initiatives Assessing the needs of stakeholders Developing a strategy to […]
SASB and TCFD guidelines: Kicking the Tires for ESG

By Nikos Avlonas President and Founder of CSE When addressing Sustainability Reporting, CSE is often asked, “what should my company report?” We answer “the issues most material to the product or service you provide.” “How do I know what’s most material?” Ask your stakeholders. “What if I don’t have the resources for […]
How will Green Deal affect corporations in EU?

Nikos Avlonas, President of Center Sustainability & Excellence–CSE What concerns do organizations raise about Sustainable Development and how the new EU strategy for 2030 (Green Deal) will affect them in the near future. Why do consumers and investors keep setting the standards higher when it comes to Sustainable Development? According to Ursula von der Leyen, […]