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What the CFO needs to know about ESG issues

January 18, 2021
what cfo needs esg issues

As standard-setters, such as the SASB, GRI, TCFD  which are international institutions, like the World Economic Forum, they have been working together to achieve convergence and harmonization of ESG disclosure requirements across sectors. It is noticed that pressure grows on CFOs to get involved in the ESG conversation, in order to improve corporate strategy and operations, address short-term risks and long-term opportunities.

A growing number of recent studies suggest that there is a strong correlation between sustainability and financial performance. Research evidence outlines that strong corporate performance on ESG factors correlates positively with improved cost of capital and financial performance. While investors are eager to find hidden value in new market opportunities with companies that report forward-looking performance and put the management of ESG factors at the core of their business strategy and operations, the role of the CFO in navigating ESG issues is clearly coming into focus. Although corporate sustainability strategies are elevating, CFOs’ contribution remains questionable.


As the economic consequences of the pandemic are expected to be dire and adverse, global spillovers effects are likely to take place. CFOs have to take due account of ESG considerations when making investment decisions to help their company operate effectively over the long-term.


As institutional investors are regularly calling for more disclosure from companies on ESG matters, in 2021 the pressure for greater transparency is gradually intensifying. CFOs are aligned with strategic and operational goals across the business structure, including planning and resource allocation, product-development, production, sales, procurement and supply chain. Thus, they are well positioned to cross-check sustainability data and financial performance indicators of the company, defining the way in which the ESG factors could create value.


To build long-term profitability and increase transparency, it is important that CFOs get up to speed on monitoring the latest developments on ESG initiatives and learning how to reap clear benefits in the form of operational efficiencies and tangible financial results from ESG programs. Optimizing resources allocation for training, development and risk management of the supply chain could significantly contribute to that end.


CFOs and finance teams are increasingly expected to be effective and comfortable in navigating ESG factors and investor requirements. The more CFOs are beginning to understand the financial dimension of ESG risks, the better they engage in monitoring and proactively address these challenges. Thus, demonstration of the financial materiality of ESG factor gets crucial.


Successful address of these challenges promotes more prosperous economic systems that benefit all stakeholders and create more stable and resilient markets within which, companies operate. ESG indicators can be the basis of sustainability disclosure that tracks and allows improvement on the issues that are most tied to the company’s environmental and social impact and most material to its financial performance.


CSE is accredited by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), Green America and AA1000 to provide global trainings to Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility professionals, while it is also a GRI Certified training provider and stakeholder.


CSE’s three-day Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program  provides you step by step methodology to integrate CSR and ESG issues, maximizing your corporate performance. Executives from Fortune 500 companies, local governments and academia have trusted CSE and participated in our advanced training to become Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioners and earn a unique recognition in the Sustainability and CSR field.

For more information on our Certified Trainings contact us at: [email protected]

How CSE can help you:

Prepare your corporate response to the challenge of achieving the maximum ESG – Sustainability performance potential, by better aligning with all the latest international non-financial reporting recommendations and standards, including GRI and SASB, and TCFD.

*Interested to find out more about CSE’s integrated consulting services?

*Interested in a free assessment by CSE consulting experts?

*Do you need guidance on a Sustainability issue?

Contact us at [email protected]

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