
Sustainability should be high on the agenda at G7 USA summit

Sustainability should be high on the agenda at G7 USA summit

Just a few months into navigating COVID-19-related constraints, leaders of the G7 will meet in the USA, most likely in September, as governments move from ‘rescue’ to ‘recovery’ mode.  Recently, leading voices from politics and businesses[1] in the US strongly suggested that recovery measures should be guided by sustainability principles, promoting a ‘green’ recovery. Indeed, […]

Protests and the role of Corporations

Protests and the role of Corporations

By Rosalinda Sanquiche   London, Madrid, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, Hong Kong, Pretoria – the globe is protesting racism, uniting in reaction to deep seated problems manifesting in the US.  Companies are listening and reacting in ways which are important to Sustainability and aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This human crisis […]

SASB and TCFD guidelines: Kicking the Tires for ESG

SASB and TCFD guidelines: Kicking the Tires for ESG

 By Nikos Avlonas President and Founder of CSE   When addressing Sustainability Reporting, CSE is often asked, “what should my company report?”  We answer “the issues most material to the product or service you provide.”   “How do I know what’s most material?”  Ask your stakeholders.   “What if I don’t have the resources for […]

The Digital Transformation of the Food Value Chain in Reuters Events webinar

The Digital Transformation of the Food Value Chain in Reuters Events webinar

LONDON – May 19th, 2020. Reuters Events announces a webinar on Thursday May 28th at 12.00pm EDT focused on how companies are adopting digital tools and technologies to improve productivity and drive efficiencies across food production, supply and distribution. The Food & Agriculture team at Reuters Events brings you a panel of experts to look […]

Practical Sustainability (ESG) Strategies

Practical Sustainability (ESG) Strategies

Chicago May 21, 2020  Practical Sustainability (ESG) Strategies: The new edition is here to provide practical guidance about moving towards a Sustainable Economy.   Now more than ever, Practical Sustainability Strategies: How to gain a competitive advantage (Wiley, 2nd Edition, 2020) is needed to guide corporations and sustainability practitioners through the COVID-19 challenges and the new reality.  Whether dealing […]

CSE is communication partner with Reuters Events

CSE is communication partner with Reuters Events

As we self-isolate, we must be careful not to isolate our ideas and thoughts.   We have the opportunity to ensure we deliver a clean, low-carbon and inclusive global recovery. It has never been more important for our industry to share, collaborate and inspire. For that reason, we’re hosting The Responsible Business Week [June 8-16], […]

ESG Ratings and how investors were influenced during COVID-19

ESG Ratings and how investors were influenced during COVID-19

  There is some very encouraging news for Sustainability Practitioners as we start the recovery process. It appears that COVID-19 has prompted investors to increasingly factor in ESG into their assessment process. During the pandemic crisis and stock market panic, the ESG funds – funds that practice sustainable strategies and base their investments on the […]

How Corporate Responsibility will be impacted by Financial Recovery?

How Corporate Responsibility will be impacted by Financial Recovery?

The response to coronavirus has resulted in many economic activities facing significant disruption and strain. Inevitably there is uncertainty and the financial impacts of the recovery process are occupying a great deal of investor attention.   It is unclear how far behind in the Recovery Agenda of both Governments and business sustainability matters and green […]

CSE offering Corporate Sustainability Training to Green Business Network members

CSE offering Corporate Sustainability Training to Green Business Network members

CSE is pleased to partner with Green America, to offer its Green America Business Network members its Online Diploma on Corporate Sustainability. This foundational course offered through the acclaimed on-line Sustainability Academy provides a step-by-step introduction to corporate sustainability and the latest sustainability trends. See international best practice case studies and videos Learn about international […]