ESG Ratings and how investors were influenced during COVID-19

There is some very encouraging news for Sustainability Practitioners as we start the recovery process. It appears that COVID-19 has prompted investors to increasingly factor in ESG into their assessment process. During the pandemic crisis and stock market panic, the ESG funds – funds that practice sustainable strategies and base their investments on the […]
How Corporate Responsibility will be impacted by Financial Recovery?

The response to coronavirus has resulted in many economic activities facing significant disruption and strain. Inevitably there is uncertainty and the financial impacts of the recovery process are occupying a great deal of investor attention. It is unclear how far behind in the Recovery Agenda of both Governments and business sustainability matters and green […]
CSE offering Corporate Sustainability Training to Green Business Network members

CSE is pleased to partner with Green America, to offer its Green America Business Network members its Online Diploma on Corporate Sustainability. This foundational course offered through the acclaimed on-line Sustainability Academy provides a step-by-step introduction to corporate sustainability and the latest sustainability trends. See international best practice case studies and videos Learn about international […]
4 Trends for Sustainability C-Suite Executives to consider during Recovery Planning

By Nikos Avlonas, President and Founder of CSE The process of recovery from the Covid-19 epidemic must integrate sustainability as its core philosophy in order for this “new reality” in which we find ourselves in to become an improved version of the past. Last week, the EU Alliance for a Green Recovery called […]
Sustainability Academy Online Education builds on Earth Day Lessons

This year we experienced Earth Day in a different way, not from outside but from inside. This made its celebration even more profound. The abrupt restricted access to the outside world has made us more appreciative of every walk we can take in fresh air, of every ray of sunshine that can we can […]
The Responsible Consumer is becoming King

Never before has brand value been so intrinsically linked to the term corporate responsibility as during the recent global health crisis. Businesses are focusing all efforts to link their activities towards responsible causes. Despite the global lock-down, the “responsible consumer” is far from powerless and in fact is a driving force behind the unprecedented changes […]
What Consumers Expect of Corporate Responsibility during the Pandemic

Through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and in its aftermath, the demonstration of successful corporate responsibility will require fostering, amongst others things, three very important attributes towards consumers and the workforce: Greater Connection, Stronger Communication and Continued Education. The resilience of business will be put to the test by the speed of to which they […]
How is the COVID-19 crisis affecting clean energy ambitions?

With the rapid developments occurring globally with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic there are growing concerns about how these will affect the recent efforts and commitments towards a cleaner energy economy. The COVID-19 crisis is impacting every aspect of the economy, with massive impacts on energy markets. As countries having been shutting down […]
Could AI make ESG data more reliable ?

There is an increasing and urgent need for greater transparency, reliability and comparability of ESG (environmental, social and governance) performance data reported by companies. ESG data has become an important factor in determining a company’s valuation and a vital medium to access financing and capital. As a result we are seeing a significant increase in Sustainability reporting, […]
Covid-19 will be the ultimate test for Corporate Responsibility Paths

Nikos Avlonas Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) March 19, 2020 The international emergency arising in the last few weeks following the extensive spread of the Covid-19, also known as coronavirus, has reached a critical point, encompassing both global health as well as the economic impact the will ensue. It is widely expected […]