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How Corporate Responsibility will be impacted by Financial Recovery?

May 13, 2020
How Corporate Responsibility will be impacted by Financial Recovery?

The response to coronavirus has resulted in many economic activities facing significant disruption and strain. Inevitably there is uncertainty and the financial impacts of the recovery process are occupying a great deal of investor attention.


It is unclear how far behind in the Recovery Agenda of both Governments and business sustainability matters and green economy policies will fall.


A beacon of hope for Sustainability ambitions appears to be the common acknowledgement that organizations displaying corporate responsibility throughout the crisis are also more sustainable and resilient business models long term.

It also appears that investor ESG engagement in employee conditions is gaining greater traction. The importance of financial risks to employee health and safety and poor labor practices have drastically increased relative to other categories of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).


Another characteristic of the recovery period is the greater call for collective action and global solidarity in protecting the human race responsibly. Every stakeholder from  government, civil society, investors, businesses has a part to play in resolving the crisis. In a letter to responsible investors, the UN PRI highlighted that companies should manage for the long-term recovery from COVID 19 through prioritizing stakeholders, acting responsibly, and implementing solutions.


Environmental issues may temporarily be deprioritized but the majority of public opinion appears to be that governments emphasize climate action in the recovery process. In a recent EU Paper it states that “it will be important to ensure that recovery measures are compatible with global climate change and European Green Deal priorities so that stimulus money will flow to economic activities that have a place in a climate-neutral world”.


The Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) innovates in sustainability training and consulting and has an ambitious agenda for 2020 to continue supporting Fortune 500 and other organizations and keep them you to date with the latest research insights and best practices in Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability.


CSE offers ESG benchmarking and score analysis, along with a wide range of dedicated ESG related services to support companies and organizations evaluate and select the appropriate ESG Ratings and metrics most suitable to their business and industry.


ESG Consulting Services:  Sustainability / ESG gap ratings analysis: in order to identify you current status and improve your access to responsible investors; Sustainability / ESG materiality assessments: in order to engage with stakeholders and identify the key sustainability/ESG topics you should focus on; Deliver our Sustainability (ESG) Trainings in 2 online webinar sessions of 2.5 hours


Building on its globally respected advanced training programs, CSE offers a new digital version of the best seller program in Education ‘’Certified Sustainability Practitioner Program’’ for C-suite executives and other professionals to premier in Europe on Thursday June 25th – Friday June 26th and Monday June 29th , 2020.



Stay tuned for more information. You can reach us at [email protected] for early bird and group discounts!









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