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What do Fortune500 companies and other leading governmental organizations have in common?

January 12, 2021
What do Fortune500 companies and other leading governmental organizations have in common?

They all trust CSE on Sustainability (ESG) Consulting Services to maximize their Impact.


Integrated Sustainability (ESG) consulting services by a global leader

Our services are designed to assist our clients to improve their business performance while having an impact, build brand loyalty and innovate through the continuous integration of Sustainability (ESG) principles into their culture, operations and products or services.

Through specialized services and web tools, we are committed to assist businesses and organizational leaders to understand and meet the evolving international standards and frameworks, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Green House Gas Protocol, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), ISO 26000 guidelines and other local and international guidelines.


CSE Success is measured by the success of our clients.

With global accreditations and distinctions and a worldwide affiliate network, CSE is proud to have 80% of FORTUNE 500 companies and other leading organizations among our clients.


Specialized Consulting Services


Sustainability Challenges worldwide

As institutional investors are regularly calling for more disclosure from companies on ESG matters, in 2021 the pressure for greater transparency is gradually intensifying. This is even more relevant considering the dire economic consequences of the pandemic globally.

To build long-term profitability and increase transparency, it is important that companies get up to speed on monitoring the latest developments on ESG initiatives, managing to reduce capital costs, improving the firm’s valuation, assessing investment opportunities, learning how to reap clear benefits in the form of operational efficiencies and to realize tangible financial benefits from ESG programs.


Success Stories

General Motors: CSE assisted GM in redefining the concept of sustainable materials as part of the company’s sustainability strategy. At the same time, CSE conducted live digital training sessions for GM’s managers for sustainability and sustainable materials, as well as the importance of Life Cycle Assessment.

Resolute Forest Papers: CSE worked with Resolute FP in conducting a stakeholder materiality survey for the whole organization, as well as at the local level where the company operated a new mill. At the same time CSE integrated the Sustainable Development Goals into Resolute FP’s strategy, reporting, and sustainability initiatives.

ABM: CSE continued its long standing relationship with ABM by externally assuring its latest sustainability report, as well as verifying the incorporation of the SASB Standards into the sustainability report.


How CSE can help you

Prepare your corporate response to the challenge of achieving the maximum ESG – Sustainability performance potential, by better aligning with all the latest international non-financial reporting recommendations and standards, including GRI and SASB, and TCFD.

*Interested to find out more about CSE’s integrated consulting services?

*Interested in a free assessment by CSE consulting experts?

*Do you need guidance on a Sustainability issue?


Contact us at [email protected]

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