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The future calls for greener high-demand jobs.

May 20, 2021
The future calls for greener high-demand jobs.

After a full year of living along with Covid-19, economies globally have been trying to adjust and recover while consider new effective ways to moderate the damage and take action to revive environmental health.

In this context, a growing opportunity is evident that paves the way for further investment in sustainable development and create more work openings. In less than a decade from now, up to 20 million job positions are expected to be offered that will emphasize in sustainability and ESG.

Governments fully embrace the approach of decarbonizing the energy sector while the European Commission has started to elaborate a strategic plan that aims to promote energy renovation of buildings and double it until 2030.

To speak with numbers, in the UK, a £134 million investment was initiated back in November 2020 to help businesses develop new technologies and enable more green jobs. In the US, according to a University College London study it was found that during the last 5 years, there were 10 times more jobs in the green economy than in the fossil fuel industry.


We have listed some of the most interesting and developing roles that are expected to rise.


Sustainability (ESG) consultant 

Professionals with high business intellect and project management skills can offer their expertise and contribute to lower the carbon footprint of their organizations even if their technical know-how is less advanced. Environmental impact assessments and other urban regeneration and transport infrastructure consulting projects are on the up.

Environmental scientist

Taking into consideration the climate change that has escalated the past years, it is found that the world needs more scientists who can assess, predict, and document the damage.


Clean transport manufacturers

The automotive industry is a dominant player in the market with over 14 million Europeans working in it than can be transferred to sustainability related positions.

There is a growing need for more environmental friendly cars which urges manufacturers to act accordingly.

Germany is among the countries with a leading presence in car manufacturing. According to economics and energy minister Peter Altmaier, at least 30 per cent of global electric battery production should come from Europe in the upcoming years.


Wave energy producer

If the world is determined to shift away from fossil fuel it is most likely that the number of installers, engineers and technicians for solar and wind panels will grow, to produce all that amount of electricity we use.

Solar energy jobs are growing fast according to the IRENA report, with 3.8 million jobs in the sector worldwide. In the UK, due to the windiness, there is a potential of generating power by waves and provide in the future 20% of the country’s energy needs.


Green building construction worker

The addition of new technologies to older buildings so that they meet low carbon standards and become sustainable means that many skilled workers are required.

Green construction sector is expected to signify prosperity in the next 10 years with 6.5 million sustainable construction jobs to be created as International Labour Organization estimates.

Upcoming open Digital Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Programs (2021 Advanced Edition) include Europe June 24-25 & 28 , Seattle Sept. 9-10 &1 3, Canada LEADERSHIP EDITION Oct. 21-22 & 25 and other dates globally. Few spots available for the very quickly global program – LEADERSHIP EDITION – June 11- 14 & 15

Reach us at [email protected] for early bird and group discounts!


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