The Evolving Landscape of ESG Factors in North America: From Regulation to Responsibility
The increasing prominence of ESG factors in North America reflects a broader shift towards more sustainable and responsible business practices, driven by a combination of regulatory changes, investor demands, consumer preferences, and industry-specific trends. Governments in the United States and Canada have introduced policies promoting ESG considerations, particularly focused on climate change and emissions reduction. […]
The Future of Sustainability Reporting
Since the consolidation of SASB and TCFD under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), these standards, along with GRI, are forming the baseline for non-financial disclosures. SASB and GRI already garner the most popularity for impact reporting, but critics argue that even if these standards were adopted by all organizations and they were able to […]
Canadian pivot towards prioritization of ESG issues
For the Canadian financial services sector, ESG issues and climate change-related initiatives remain with an ongoing focus at the forefront. While the framework for climate change disclosures developed by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (the TCFD Framework) has received widespread support from businesses and governments, the federal […]
ESG challenges for C-Suite Executives in 2022
ESG will remain a massive topic in 2022 and will be increasingly important for businesses, individuals, and legislators. The top ESG challenges for business leaders in 2022: Disclosures become more standardized, more expected, and more mandated: Reporting requirements like TCFD are bringing ESG reporting to the board’s attention and, as a result, magnifying focus on […]
The right time for companies to act on ESG -Sustainability Reporting is now
Carbon neutrality plays a vital role in addressing the climate crisis. With countries legally binding net-zero emissions targets, even companies in emissions-intensive industries, such as fossil fuels, are setting ambitious targets. 2021 is projected to be a crucial year as the COP26 summit will take place in Glasgow in November, where parties will be […]
The Rise of ESG: Challenges and Opportunities for 2021
Lessons learned from the ESG top 50 companies By CSE Research Team Chicago, February 4 – At the exclusive event “The Rise of ESG: 2021 Challenges and Opportunities” offered by the Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) to its Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioners in North America, the discussion revolved around key Sustainability challenges faced […]
What the CFO needs to know about ESG issues
As standard-setters, such as the SASB, GRI, TCFD which are international institutions, like the World Economic Forum, they have been working together to achieve convergence and harmonization of ESG disclosure requirements across sectors. It is noticed that pressure grows on CFOs to get involved in the ESG conversation, in order to improve corporate strategy and […]
Publicly listed companies take note: SASB Standards Important for Sustainability Reporting
A long-time leader in GRI-informed sustainability reporting and consulting, CSE is taking on the next hot reporting trend – SASB – the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board. Both GRI and SASB emphasize transparency. Both are guided by materiality. They differ on purpose. GRI focuses on the economic, environmental and social impacts of a company, […]
Three Reasons TCFD & SASB reporting on Climate Scenarios is Important
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) provides market-driven recommendations for voluntary and consistent climate-related financial risk disclosures in mainstream filings. The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) provides industry specific standards help investors and other market participants assess their portfolios’ exposure to sustainability risks and opportunities. Climate risk is often material, and […]
Wasted Effort Could Affect ESG Rankings. The importance of Materiality Assessment
By Nikos Avlonas President CSE Bravo to companies’ incorporating sustainability. The effort is noble and daunting. Often executives address first the environment, social and governance (ESG) issues most important to them. Other times, they delegate sustainability to a manager. An executive might be highly motivated to engage the community. A former HSE manager, now […]