
What the CFO needs to know about ESG issues

what cfo needs esg issues

As standard-setters, such as the SASB, GRI, TCFD  which are international institutions, like the World Economic Forum, they have been working together to achieve convergence and harmonization of ESG disclosure requirements across sectors. It is noticed that pressure grows on CFOs to get involved in the ESG conversation, in order to improve corporate strategy and […]

Wasted Effort Could Affect ESG Rankings. The importance of Materiality Assessment

Wasted Effort Could Affect ESG Rankings. The importance of Materiality Assessment

By Nikos Avlonas President CSE   Bravo to companies’ incorporating sustainability.  The effort is noble and daunting.  Often executives address first the environment, social and governance (ESG) issues most important to them.  Other times, they delegate sustainability to a manager.  An executive might be highly motivated to engage the community.  A former HSE manager, now […]