Executives Praise CSE Training

June 15, 2021, was the culmination of CSE’s advanced Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program, Digital Edition (2021). Twenty-five C-suite, senior directors and managers attended this, the final three days of the training with live instruction from CSE’s founder and president Nikos Avlonas, CSE’s lead trainers for North America and program coordinator. The three-day live sessions […]
Become the ESG Champion for your organization!

It is a growing challenge for senior executives to manage and prioritize the growing list of organizational concerns around mitigating risks around sustainable performance. Join our Leading Sustainability ESG Certification Program to gain valuable insight into the next steps in your Sustainability Planning! At the forefront are risks surrounding climate change as well as ESG […]
The Rise of ESG: Challenges and Opportunities for 2021

Lessons learned from the ESG top 50 companies By CSE Research Team Chicago, February 4 – At the exclusive event “The Rise of ESG: 2021 Challenges and Opportunities” offered by the Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) to its Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioners in North America, the discussion revolved around key Sustainability challenges faced […]
Rethinking the investor relations manager, ESG impact on corporate ratings is growing

By CSE research department Sustainability ESG considerations are increasingly being integrated into the core of corporate strategy and governance frameworks, as well as the lending and investment decisions of financial institutions. The growing interest in sustainability generates increasing influence of ESG issues on strategic and management decisions. Sustainability takes on more weight globally and […]
Sustainability (ESG) as a game changer: Sustainability (ESG) Professionals in the Spotlight

By CSE research team Sustainability (ESG) Professionals hold a corporate-critical role in the 2021 business mindset. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are changing their business models in order to adapt to various challenges due to the pandemic and boost their resilience. At the same time, industry titans and global corporations step up their ambitions […]
Actionable CSR insights for corporations in the UAE that shape the new normal

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing massive economic turmoil in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries through simultaneous shocks: drop in domestic and external demand, drop in oil prices, reduction in trade, disruption of production, fall in consumer and investor confidence, and tightening of financial conditions. At the same time sustainability risks, including air pollution, coastal degradation […]
Renewable energy is key to achieving SDG 7 and building sustainable economies in a post COVID-19 world

The power sector is the engine of global economy, supplying electricity to all other sectors. Good and services depend on it. In times of crisis, such as a pandemic, reliable electricity supply has become critical for sustained medical services and working remotely under lockdown conditions. Power is essential for driving economic growth. Achieving Sustainable Development […]