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Sustainability (ESG) as a game changer: Sustainability (ESG) Professionals in the Spotlight

January 27, 2021
Sustainability (ESG) as a game changer: Sustainability (ESG) Professionals in the Spotlight

By CSE research team


Sustainability (ESG) Professionals hold a corporate-critical role in the 2021 business mindset. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are changing their business models in order to adapt to various challenges due to the pandemic and boost their resilience. At the same time, industry titans and global corporations step up their ambitions towards environmental stewardship, corporate responsibility and innovation. Meanwhile, the new administration in the US has already signaled its commitment to the environment, receiving a warm welcome by sustainability advocates.



So what will be the key sustainability areas that businesses will need to focus on in 2021 to build resilience and viability? Last week Boeing set an ambitious target to advance the long-term sustainability of commercial aviation, committing that its commercial airplanes are capable and certified to fly on 100% sustainable aviation fuels by 2030. In November 2020, BIC committed that by 2030, it aims for 50% non-virgin petroleum plastic for its products and that by 2025, 100% of BIC consumer plastic packaging will be reusable, recyclable, or compostable.


From Covid relief funds to the COP26 climate summit, Corporate Sustainability is expected to lead C-suits and board room’s agenda this year more than ever before.


Sustainability leaders are well-positioned to navigate across their organization’s functions, to help align CEOs and their employees toward common goals and benchmarks. As corporate sustainability becomes a priority for organizations, successful development and implementation of corporate sustainability strategy is a key to long-term competitiveness and firm’s valuation.


For more than 15 years, the Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) has been a trusted training provider for Fortune500 organizations, SMEs, governments and universities, helping sustainability professionals from various sectors shape their corporate mindset, accelerate ESG management progress and upgrade their organization’s sustainability profile.


Business leaders in corporate responsibility, sustainability, ESG, communications, marketing, and investors’ relations are registered in the upcoming US Digital Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program this March 11, 12 & 15, in order to become certified and recognized as Sustainability ESG Practitioners by CSE and the Chartered Management Institute (CMI).


As always, CSE tailors the training program to the unique needs of participants.


The training will focus on sustainability and ESG strategy for competitive advantage, Sustainability (ESG) Ratings and Reporting Trends according to North America CSE Research, stakeholder engagement, investors’ relations and the most business-critical opportunities of 2021, with a focus on tech and leading sectors. It will feature updated content on the SDGs and Circular Economy.


Want to inform the focus for any one of our trainings? Register now and let us know your thoughts.

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