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What does it take to align your business with the Paris Climate Agreement?

January 25, 2021
What does it take to align your business with the Paris Climate Agreement?

By Thomas Weber, CSE North America Coordinator of Consulting Services


For true leaders, it has to begin with the core understanding and recognition of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (ESG) principles.


2020 gave numerous Sustainability lessons to be learned on a fast track. Now is the time to reflect on your corporate strategies, acknowledging that competitors with a solid ESG record faired comparatively well during the pandemic, and are recovering in a faster pace. Resent ESG research shows that giving corporate responsibility and sustainability matters special corporate attention leads to better preparedness for the majority of crisis related scenarios. This ‘proactively organized resilience’ is a competitive advantage especially during these challenging times.


Exactly that proactive mindset is needed for leaders to align their businesses with the Paris Agreement, established to keep global warming below 2°C and ideally 1.5°C. The overarching goal for governments, corporations and organizations aligned with the 2015 Paris Agreement is to achieve “net zero” greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050.


It all starts within the organization, with your leadership, driven by science, to set ambitious GHG – emission reduction goals.  With experts training your team, corporate responsibility and sustainability goals will be incorporated throughout your organization unleashing creativity and innovation.  The adoption of energy efficient, cost-effective solutions will also bring about substantial savings, a rewarding side effect of incorporating ESG strategies.


Equally important is sharing sustainability-based business progress and success publicly – to serve as a model for the wider business community. In addition to the benefits to your business, you can take pride in helping the world community achieve the Paris Agreement goal.


CSE’s three-day Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Digital Program introduces a step by step methodology to integrate CR and ESG issues, maximizing corporate performance aligned with the Paris Agreement.


For more information on our Digital Programs contact us at: [email protected]


Prepare your corporate response to the challenge of achieving the maximum ESG – Sustainability performance potential, by better aligning with all the latest international non-financial reporting recommendations and standards, including GRI and SASB, and TCFD.

*Interested to find out more about CSE’s integrated consulting services?

*Do you need guidance on a Sustainability issue?


Contact us at [email protected]

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