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CSE’s Contribution to the National FFA Organization Convention

November 16, 2020
CSE's Contribution to the National FFA Organization Convention

Our own Nikos Avlonas, President of the Center for Sustainability and Excellence, was proud to participate in the in the National FFA Organization Convention, a huge digital event hosting more than 70.000 participants on the latest innovation and technologies that advance #sustainable agriculture.

Nikos Avlonas took part in the Blue Room panel, giving participants clear views and valuable insights on what companies are talking about when they talk about sustainability. It all comes down to where a company stands on the Sustainability path. Sustainability beginners first need to understand the meaning and role of Sustainability for the entire organization and then identify key stakeholders and kick-off basic activities, such as employee volunteering, recycling, social investment.  More advanced players integrate Sustainability into their corporate Vision and Mission and proceed to a Sustainability Report, setting specific and measurable goals and targets. Mature companies make Sustainability a strategic priority and integrate it into all corporate practices. Furthermore, they use ESG performance ratings and make public commitments, for example regarding their environmental management.

Furthermore, Nikos referred to what the National FFA has achieved in the past year in the field of Sustainability and the progress it has made. Through certified Sustainability training, the National FFA has aligned its understanding of sustainability and is now undertaking a Materiality Survey to identify most important (material) topics for FFA key Stakeholders groups.  The next step is to set the strategic priorities for the coming years in the area of Sustainability.

CSE is thanking the National FFA for a great and engaging convention and we are looking forward to the next year.

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