
US Elections – Sustainability – Pandemic are just some of the issues on the table now

US Elections – Sustainability – Pandemic are just some of the issues on the table now

In an election like none before it, steaks are high with people and corporations looking in detail into the candidates’ agenda on how they will tackle the ongoing pandemic and the climate crisis. A study found that during this pandemic the –new- corporate environment will include changes made to global corporations’ operational conditions and place […]

Part 3 in our series What to Expect from Digital Sustainability Training

Part 3 in our series What to Expect from Digital Sustainability Training

What to Expect: Building the Business Case   San Francisco is the heart of the tech world.  The city also has some of the most progressive environmental and social mandates in the US.  One would think Silicon Valley corporations would be equally sensitive to sustainability issues.  CSE research shows this is not the case.   […]

Part 1 in our series What to Expect from a Digital Sustainability Training

Part 1 in our series What to Expect from a Digital Sustainability Training

What to Expect From an Action Plan   You’ve devoted time to take a three-day Digital Sustainability Training. You understand the value of a deeper understanding of Corporate Responsibility, but what exactly will the training provide?     The majority of CSE practitioners say the most valuable component is the ACTION PLAN.  Of course, you won’t […]

Climate change is on top of the US election agenda

Climate change is on top of the US election agenda

Dealing with climate change took a back seat when we came face to face with a new existential threat (COVID-19) but it is now in the forefront once again as Election Day comes closer and closer. Politicians have taken notice of the wave of change, especially among young voters.   Climate change is only going […]

Are Fossil Fuels Ancient History?

Are Fossil Fuels Ancient History?

Finally, corporations are waking up to the need for a Solar Age.  Or so it seems if one reads the media hype.  With Green Bonds and Social Bonds, companies are financing infrastructure to take advantage of renewables.  They are charting their GHG emissions and cutting ribbons on server farms cooled with North Carolina’s sun or […]

CSE completes two back-to-back sold out Digital Trainings

CSE completes two back-to-back sold out Digital Trainings

The two successful October trainings (02-06 October and 07-09 October) focused on ESGs and Circular Economy. The trainings included executives from various sectors including Financial, Energy, NGO’s etc.  As always, CSE tailored the training to the unique needs of its participants.   A good portion of the discussion during both trainings focused on the rise and importance of ESGs and […]

Leading impactful CSR and sustainability initiatives in the post-oil era in the UAE

Leading impactful CSR and sustainability initiatives in the post-oil era in the UAE

As the crisis evolves around the world, MENA governments should ensure that their stimulus measures and policy responses are aligned with ambitious climate change and wider environmental protection goals. They should ensure policy coherence and avoid creating unintended environmental consequences that might damage the future resilience and environmental health of societies.   The goal is […]

Sustainability Leaders from all over the globe join the digital Certified Sustainability (ESG) Program

Sustainability Leaders from all over the globe join the digital Certified Sustainability (ESG) Program

Always at the forefront of trends, last week CSE delivered yet another successful digital version of its flagship course, the Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Program, Advanced Edition 2020. The digital course incorporates three live sessions, facilitated by global Lead Trainers, including Nikos Avlonas, Founder and President of CSE.  The course combines the best attributes of online […]

Texas energy leaders are pursuing a renewable future – Can it be done?

Texas energy leaders are pursuing a renewable future – Can it be done?

Houston wants to be the renewable capital of the world. Renewable-energy officials flaunted the efforts of startups and entrepreneurs as the best chance for a successful transition, arguing that oil and gas won’t be the economy leaders in the following decades.   With more than 4,600 energy firms in Houston, the fossil fuel energy still […]

Actionable CSR insights for corporations in the UAE that shape the new normal

Actionable CSR insights for corporations in the UAE that shape the new normal

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing massive economic turmoil in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries through simultaneous shocks: drop in domestic and external demand, drop in oil prices, reduction in trade, disruption of production, fall in consumer and investor confidence, and tightening of financial conditions. At the same time sustainability risks, including air pollution, coastal degradation […]