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CSE’s Nikos Avlonas Named to 2021 Environment+Energy Leader 100 Honoree List

December 14, 2021
CSE’s Nikos Avlonas Named to 2021 Environment+Energy Leader 100 Honoree List


Chicago, Illinois, December 14, 2021: The Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) is proud to announce that its Founder and President Nikos Avlonas has been named to the 2021 Environment+Energy Leader 100, an annual list that celebrates the achievements of environment and energy “doers” in the fields of commercial and industrial environment and energy management ( ).


CSE was the first organization globally to provide certified training programs on Sustainability and under Avlonas’ leadership, the Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program is delivered for more than 13 years in more than 10 locations in North and Central America, Europe, Middle East and Asia, and has certified more than 8.000 Practitioners. CSE is one of the global thought leaders in ESG consulting and research since 2005, with a significant ESG footprint in more than 45 countries.


“The Honorees on the annual list show groundbreaking work and dedication to the field of sustainability and energy management,” says Paul Nastu, President of Environment+Energy  Leader. “We’re thrilled to recognize this year’s Honorees and congratulate all who made the list.”


“I’m honored to be recognized by E+E and inspired by the work of the other Honorees for a more sustainable planet. We are proud that 90% of Fortune 500 companies and important governmental organizations have trusted CSE for their professional education and we will remain true to our goal, to certify 20,000 professionals by the end of 2025”, said Nikos Avlonas.


Now in its fifth year, the annual Environment+Energy Leader 100 recognizes those environment and energy “doers” who break trail in creating new solutions, programs, platforms, best practices and products to help their companies – or other companies – achieve greater success in commercial and industrial environment and energy management. And it doesn’t just celebrate the C-suite, but also those top managers and in-the-trenches team members who are working diligently behind the scenes and shaping the industry. Nominations are open to the public and the final honoree list is selected by Environment+Energy Leader. See this year’s honorees and past honorees here:


CSE stays true to its goal


CSE is committed to continue supporting businesses towards their sustainability transformation amidst the global COVID-19 crisis and helping them thrive. The CSE’s online global initiative Sustainability Academy ( leads the way in Certified Specialized Sustainability (ESG) Education. The Sustainability Academy offers the Online Diploma on Corporate Sustainability and a series of specialized programs on Circular Economy, Sustainability Reporting, Carbon Reduction Strategy and ESG Impact and Sustainable Investing.


There are also special In-house Programs for organizations, who recognize that investing in their human capital through education is the most important determinant for growth and excellence in Sustainability. To confirm this claim, recent research has demonstrated that organizations with a strong learning culture can outperform their peers. The Academy aspires to reach 100,000 professionals by 2030!


Thank you to all our friends, colleagues, practitioners and followers. Don’t miss any CSE news: subscribe to our newsletters, follow us on social media and refer us throughout your networks.


Stay tuned for our upcoming trainings in 2022 and insights, which starts with the Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program, Advanced Edition on February 24-25 & 28 and the Leadership Edition on April 7-8 & 11, 2022.

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