Four Creative Ways to Strengthen Corporate Sustainability

In April 2019, CSE completed a successful month-long push offering four kinds of in-person training in Toronto and Seattle. Sustainability training helps professionals improve their skills and update their knowledge in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Tangible results include building the business case for sustainability; understanding the importance of stakeholder engagement; and leveraging use of standards […]
New York City Confronts Global Food Challenges: SDGs #2, #3 and #11

Of all the dumb sustainability challenges, food security and hunger may be the dumbest. Ask Komal Ahmad, founder of Copia PBC. The company using technology to “solve food waste and end hunger at scale” is proving so successful that they are hiring. New York City is meeting this challenge head on with a combination of […]
Investors are connecting Climate Change to SDGs – Are you ready, New York?

Chief Financial Officers are plagued with sustainability demands. Investors are calling for robust corporate sustainability reporting (CSR). Stakeholders are pressing companies to go beyond the standard ESG (environment, social, governance) approach. Sustainability in Finance is a topic critical to New York. One of the most challenging long-term risks, particularly from investors’ viewpoint, is climate change. […]
CSE Promotes Executive Sustainability Education in NYC

The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence has a long-standing history in New York City of providing Sustainability Education to global FT 500 corporations and executives. Over the past 10 years, more than 6,000 executives from leading organizations including Google, NASA, Coca-Cola, Timberland, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, L’Oréal, ExxonMobil, Hartford, T–Mobile, Procter & […]
Top Five Trends in Sustainability for 2019 – EU Edition

By Nikos Avlonas & Rosalinda Sanquiche Centre for Sustainability and Excellence Years of research, international observation, working with corporate intrapreneurs and social entrepreneurs and leading programs around the world – we feel confident looking toward the future! 2019 will be a continuation of trends, growing in momentum. This year will also see the rise […]
Top 5 Trends in Sustainability for 2019

By Nikos Avlonas, CSE President, and Rosalinda Sanquiche, CSE North America. Years of research, international observation, working with corporate intrapreneurs and social entrepreneurs and leading programs around the world – we feel confident looking toward the future! 2019 will be a continuation of trends, growing in momentum. This year will also see the rise of […]
CSE Celebrates a Successful Year and Our Vision for 2019

We are sincerely grateful for our success in 2018. The corporate community is awake to the many opportunities for a better world by engaging in sustainable practices. The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) is pleased to be part of this inevitable shift! We are thankful for the many newly trained sustainability (CSR) practitioners certified with our CSR-P […]
Trends and Challenges for European Companies on Sustainability Goals Integration and Sustainability (CR) Impact

Surprising Findings revealed by CSE’s research on Sustainability (CR) and Non Financial Reporting in Europe The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) announces its annual Research for Sustainability (CR) Reporting Trends in Europe 2018. The research explores the level of commitment of European companies, through their common Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility strategic goals, and how well they […]
The 5 skills that will land you a job in Sustainability (CSR)

Corporate Sustainability (CSR) is a growing industry that is taking the world by storm. Although often confused with the idea of environmental science, this definition does not represent the diversity of the field today. The main reason why Sustainability (CSR) is more and more positioned as a central element of corporate strategy is because it […]
Surprising Research Findings on Sustainability (CSR) Reporting Τrends in Europe

Europe specific findings to be presented next in London Are European Corporations role models for Sustainability (CSR) reporting? Given the high concentrations of energy, financial and pharmaceutical organizations, many believe Europe veers toward Sustainability (CSR) and the EU Directive on Non-financial and Diversity Information (Directive 2014/95/EU). Our October 9, 2018, at 10:00 AM BST, live webinar presents a comparative […]