Why ESG impacts SMEs’ operational and financial efficiency

What can happen when SMEs embed ESG practices into the core of their business strategy? SMEs can drive operational and financial efficiency, risk mitigation and stakeholder engagement by integrating ESG considerations and metrics Published: May 24, 2022 By CSE research team Small and medium-sized enterprises are the backbone of the global economy. SMEs account for the majority […]
5 tips to master your ESG communications

ESG is clearly one of the most radical developments in business within the last decades and it has been proven by a great number of surveys that companies with strong sustainability practices demonstrate better operational performance, meaning improved cash flows. Also, the explosion in growing investor interest in ESG has generated more ways to engage […]
Threats to consider and scopes to identify when going net zero

Corporate net-zero pledges are gaining momentum, but limitations in net-zero’s design and implementation reduce impact and jeopardize progress. The transition of businesses to net-zero carbon emissions has been stressing managers globally. They realize the different scenarios that need to be evaluated and carefully examined while taking that road. Published: May 9, 2022 By CSE research […]
Green growth: why the global tech world has to lead with purpose

An increasing number of companies have made public commitments to adopt ESG strategies and support the global quest for green growth. To drive “green growth”, governments, international organizations and business leaders are optimistic that suitable policies and technology will reduce emissions to sustainable levels. At the same time, there will be a continuous or […]
Why artificial intelligence can save the day for ESG investors?

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technology have the potential to help investors collect, analyze and aggregate ESG data successfully, when accounting for environmental, social, and governance risks and opportunities. As investors are increasingly taking into consideration non-financial factors as part of their analysis process to identify material risks and growth opportunities, i.e. Environmental, Social […]
Top 10 ESG Reporting Tips!

ESG reporting is a challenging process and of great importance for your corporate success! CSE is here to help you stay up to date with the changing ESG framework while also integrate ESG principles across your company’s operations in the most effective way. Find out below the top 10 tips for corporate leaders to […]
TEST — News ESG investing among the key focus areas of SEC’s 2022 Examination Priorities

ESG investing among the key focus areas of SEC’s 2022 Examination Priorities Priorities are aligned with the Division’s four pillars: promote and improve compliance, prevent fraud, monitor risk, and inform policy. Published: April 15, 2022 By CSE research team The Division highlighted the following five “significant focus areas”: Private Funds Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) Investing […]
ESG investing among the key focus areas of SEC’s 2022 Examination Priorities

By CSE research team The examination priorities for fiscal year 2022 were announced by the Division of Examinations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The annual publication of the Division’s examination priorities is composed in such a way to provide investors and registrants transparency and is aligned with the Division’s four pillars: […]
CSE celebrates Earth Day 2022

Five lessons learned for Corporate Sustainability Success The Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) has much to celebrate on Earth Day. We are proud to support the continuous education of C-suite executives around the world on how to achieve their Sustainability – ESG transformation, and we have successfully done so for FORTUNE500 organizations, large multinationals, […]
Three Reasons Seattle Needs Sustainability ESG Practitioners!

By CSE research team Seattle, consistently near the top of any list of US cities for sustainability and growth and the heart of the tech world, has some of the most progressive environmental and social mandates in the US. To support its progressive sustainability profile, the city needs well educated professionals, equipped with […]