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US federal agencies reveal their climate change adoption plans

October 11, 2021
CSE's Sustainability Practitioner Program Celebrates 15 Years of Trust by Fortune 500 & Government Leaders

By CSE Research Team


As US tries to recover from its hottest summer on record this year, Biden’s administration is making climate change a top priority. Back in January, federal agencies were asked to reveal the biggest threats global warming poses to them and how they can be faced. Top officials at every government agency have spent months to list their main vulnerabilities and make their strategy. Now, 23 federal agencies published their climate change adoption plans, including the departments of Energy, Defense, Agriculture, Homeland Security, Transportation, Treasury and Commerce.


Some of the main themes included in their plans are:


  • The protection of employees from extreme heat events
  • Upscaling supply chain’s resilience for frequent and extreme weather disasters
  • Ensuring that new facilities meet tougher construction standards
  • More emphasis on the effects of climate change on minority and low-income communities


Taking a deeper look in some of the departments’ plans, we can highlight the following:


Energy Department: The main focus is on the implementation of clear climate adaptation requirements for contractors and suppliers to employ climate adaptation and resilience practices.


Defense Department: The department has committed to integrate climate intelligence into their strategies. By this way, military planners can be aware on where and how military installations are at risk.


Transportation Department: Three are the main targets – greenhouse gas emissions reductions, investment in more resilient infrastructure and assessment of the disproportionate impact of climate change on minority communities when designing new transportation projects.


Treasury Department: Aside from mitigating the impacts of climate-related financial risks on financial stability, there are also plans of developing more sustainable supply chains for currency and coinage production.


Biden has pledged to cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions at least in half by 2030 and the first step has already been taken with an executive order earlier this year, requiring the creation of a governmentwide climate change risk strategy. In addition to this, an annual assessment of climate-related financial risks in the U.S. budget was also issued.


A few months ago, the United Nations released an alarming report, which stated that the window of time for the global community to dramatically cut fossil fuel emissions was shorter than expected. Αll these demands are gradually pushing companies to change their operation in a more sustainable way, which should also be in line with the increasing frameworks.


There’s so little time to adapt, but business leaders and C-suite executives have so many questions to get answers. CSE is ready to answer these questions, holding the Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program, on November 4-5 & 8, Advanced Edition 2021. This program of high demand focuses on key challenges that professionals have to face in the field of Sustainability, Supply Chain, Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Communications.


Fortune 500 and governmental organizations, multinationals and non-profits, SMEs and start-ups trust CSE’s Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program for their education on Corporate Sustainability (ESG).


For more information reach us at [email protected].

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