What do you need to know on CDP in 2024?
CPD Key Changes and things you should know before your submission. CDP made significant changes to their disclosure platform in 2024 to, “further streamline reporting for organizations and generate the most comparable, comprehensive, decision useful data.” Key changes include an integrated questionnaire across all environmental topics (Climate, Water, Forests), a new dedicated questionnaire for SME’s, […]
How can SASB guidelines contribute to a global Sustainability Standard?
The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) has experienced tremendous growth since its founding just over a decade ago. Over half of the S&P Global 1200 are now using SASB standards within their reporting frameworks – signaling massive adoption on a grand scale. From 2019-2020, SASB reports grew 375% and another 215% from 2020-2021. […]
ISSB delivers new proposals that target globally comparable reporting
The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has released two long-awaited draft sustainability standards for public comment. One sets out general sustainability-related disclosure requirements and the other specifies climate-related disclosure requirements. These proposed drafts will accelerate progress towards disclosing consistent and comparable information on sustainability matters. Once issued, the final standards are intended to form a […]
Why companies and investors would benefit from a cohesive framework for nonfinancial reporting
IFRS Foundation and GRI creates an interconnected approach As pressure from regulators, investors and other stakeholders has built for companies to provide information on the sustainability and climate impacts, several reporting standards and frameworks have gained prominence, such as the GRI, SASB, and TCFD, among others. Multiple ESG reporting standards are burdening companies and […]
GRI Standards and investors community – Designing transparent sustainability reports
Investors are increasingly interested in responsible investment, including ESG issues and appropriate disclosures. Better ESG information can lead to more meaningful and actionable insights by decision makers. Today, ESG investing is no longer a “voluntary” movement, but imperative in attracting capital, creating financial and competitive success. It has become the number one tool for investors […]
The most important decisions taken in COP26 and how they affect corporations
Two weeks of negotiations are finally over and COP26 has left a crystal-clear message to businesses: it’s time to reassess your business strategies and carbon footprint, if you want to reap monetary rewards. Climate stability is not viable only in political terms. It’s the business world’s turn now to fix climate crisis. Which of […]