
Maximize the benefits of your organization and join the upcoming GRI Standards, Certified Training Course

Global | GRI Standards, Certified Training Course

The new GRI Standards promote accurate and transparent reporting, emphasizing climate change, human rights, and gender equality updates. Companies should address sustainability issues affecting their operations and reputation. There are increasing calls from both policy makers and society for organizations to understand and report the impact they have on their activities.  As per the findings of […]

Unlock the Benefits of the New GRI Standards on ESG Reporting

sustainability reporting

How ESG reporting is creating a competitive advantage for businesses The EU has recognized the importance of sustainability reporting and disclosure and is currently developing new reporting standards for companies operating within the region. The proposed EU standards are intended to align with existing reporting frameworks, including the GRI Standards. The new GRI standards aim […]

Six challenges for Corporate Sustainability Practitioners in Europe

challenges for Corporate Sustainability Practitioners in Europe

Are Sustainability Professionals in Europe ready to face the challenges of the complex ESG ecosystem?   You are determined to devote time to take a three-day Digital Sustainability ESG Training. You know the value of a deeper understanding of Corporate Responsibility! Even so, which exactly are the main challenges that this training will prepare you […]

GRI Standards and investors community – Designing transparent sustainability reports

GRI Standards and investors community – Designing transparent sustainability reports

Investors are increasingly interested in responsible investment, including ESG issues and appropriate disclosures. Better ESG information can lead to more meaningful and actionable insights by decision makers. Today, ESG investing is no longer a “voluntary” movement, but imperative in attracting capital, creating financial and competitive success. It has become the number one tool for investors […]

Publicly listed companies take note: SASB Standards Important for Sustainability Reporting

Publicly listed companies take note: SASB Standards Important for Sustainability Reporting

  A long-time leader in GRI-informed sustainability reporting and consulting, CSE is taking on the next hot reporting trend – SASB – the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board.   Both GRI and SASB emphasize transparency.  Both are guided by materiality.  They differ on purpose.  GRI focuses on the economic, environmental and social impacts of a company, […]