
When it comes to financial and sustainability performance dynamic optimization is better than sequential

When it comes to financial and sustainability performance dynamic optimization is better than sequential

While U.S. voters are picking a President, there is an increasing global awareness among policy makers, financial leaders and businesses that measures to address climate change, from clean energy research and development to disaster preparedness, represent the best path for recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. Industries will be pumped with money, infrastructure revitalized and sustainability […]

Actionable CSR insights for corporations in the UAE that shape the new normal

Actionable CSR insights for corporations in the UAE that shape the new normal

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing massive economic turmoil in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries through simultaneous shocks: drop in domestic and external demand, drop in oil prices, reduction in trade, disruption of production, fall in consumer and investor confidence, and tightening of financial conditions. At the same time sustainability risks, including air pollution, coastal degradation […]