
What are the challenges Professionals face in ESG Reporting?

challenges on esg integration

In view of the accelerating changes in ESG, especially in the evolving landscape for standard-setting bodies and disclosure regulations, professionals struggle to keep pace and stay up to date.       According to Bloomberg, in recent years ESG assets surpassed 35 $trillion up from $30.6 trillion in 2018. In 2025 they will most likely […]

Why artificial intelligence can save the day for ESG investors?

Why artificial intelligence can save the day for ESG investors?

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technology have the potential to help investors collect, analyze and aggregate ESG data successfully, when accounting for environmental, social, and governance risks and opportunities.   As investors are increasingly taking into consideration non-financial factors as part of their analysis process to identify material risks and growth opportunities, i.e. Environmental, Social […]

ESG investing among the key focus areas of SEC’s 2022 Examination Priorities

ESG investing among the key focus areas of SEC's 2022 Examination Priorities

By CSE research team   The examination priorities for fiscal year 2022 were announced by the Division of Examinations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The annual publication of the Division’s examination priorities is composed in such a way to provide investors and registrants transparency and is aligned with the Division’s four pillars: […]

Energy Crisis: ESG Investing shows the way out

Energy Crisis: ESG Investing shows the way out

The EU, like many other regions in the world, is currently experiencing a sharp rise in energy prices. This is principally driven by increased global demand for energy, and in particular gas. The European Commission has been consulting widely on the appropriate response to the current situation and has participated in debates with Members of […]

Linking ESG targets to executive pay

Linking ESG targets to executive pay

ESG considerations are now a central strategic pillar for a lot of companies, while COVID-19 has intensified investor, consumer and public scrutiny of businesses’ ESG performance. Two-thirds of institutional investors demand executive compensation linked to ESG performance and such metrics are important in both annual and long-term executive incentive plans. On the other hand, 45% […]

Re-elected Trudeau in pursuit of climate change pledges.

Re-elected Trudeau in pursuit of climate change pledges

The extreme heat waves in British Columbia this summer and its consequences, seemed to be enough to shape Canadians’ decision right before voting and urge them to contribute to their country’s path toward a clean energy economy. Despite this was supposed to be a climate change election with bold climate plans being stressed by all […]