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Part 2: CSSB – Bridging Global and Local in Sustainability Reporting

April 8, 2024
Part 2: Bridging Global and Local in Sustainability Reporting

Part 1 unpacked the groundbreaking unveiling of the CSSB’s Proposed Sustainability Disclosure Standards and their core structure. As we delve deeper, it’s important to note that while the standards are largely aligned with global benchmarks, there are some key considerations for Canadian companies.  In Part 2, we’ll explore how the CSSB tailors these standards for Canadian entities, fostering a smoother integration process. This includes navigating the extended transition periods and understanding the limited modifications made to the IFRS standards. We’ll also explore the crucial role of public consultation and highlight the numerous benefits Canadian businesses can reap by embracing these transformative standards.

Part 2: Bridging Global and Local in Sustainability Reporting


Canadian Contextualization: A Tailored Approach

The CSSB’s initiative includes specific modifications to adapt these global standards to the Canadian milieu, such as deferred effective dates and extended transition periods. These adjustments are meant to facilitate a smoother integration process for Canadian entities, ensuring they can meet the standards effectively and efficiently.


Public Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement: Shaping the Future Together

The CSSB is actively seeking feedback on these Proposed Standards, offering a unique opportunity for stakeholders to influence the future of sustainability reporting in Canada. This consultative approach underscores the CSSB’s commitment to creating standards that are both robust and reflective of the stakeholders’ needs.

This is a crucial window for businesses to contribute their insights and prepare for the future of sustainability reporting. The next Canada Certified Sustainability ESG Practitioner Program will take place on October 24-25 & 28, 2024 

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a competitive edge!


Implications for Canadian Businesses: Enhancing Sustainability Reporting

Adopting these standards could significantly bolster sustainability reporting for Canadian companies, providing clearer insights into their environmental and social impacts. This not only enhances investor confidence but also aligns Canadian businesses with international best practices in sustainability.


Mind the gap between expectations and reality

Expectations for significant Canada-specific amendments to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for sustainability may be tempered, as the Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB) has largely aligned with the global framework, introducing only minimal adjustments. The primary changes are in the timing of implementation, extending the adoption period by one to two years, with the initial phase of climate-related disclosures set to commence in the 2025 reporting cycle.

The CSSB’s adoption of the IFRS S1 and S2 standards means that entities already compliant with these international norms will find the transition to the Canadian equivalents, CSDS1 and CSDS2, relatively straightforward. These standards will encompass governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets, focusing on both climate-specific and broader sustainability issues.

For companies presently aligned with frameworks like the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the path to meeting CSSB requirements may be smoother. Yet, the extended timeline provides ample opportunity for all companies to adapt to these evolving sustainability disclosure norms. With our experienced Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) team, we stand ready to guide organizations through this transition, helping them to navigate the complexities of these new reporting standards and embrace the future of sustainable business practices.


Setting the Stage for a Sustainable Future

The unveiling of the CSSB standards aligns with Canada’s commitment to comprehensive sustainability reporting. Building on the global momentum established by the ISSB, the CSSB ensures Canadian companies can seamlessly integrate these disclosures. This harmonization positions Canada as a leader in transparent and accountable sustainability practices. But this process presents both challenges and opportunities. To ensure a smooth transition, the Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) offers the upcoming Leadership 2024 Certified Sustainability ESG Practitioner Program (April 19-19 & 22). This program equips professionals with the expertise to navigate the intricacies of sustainability reporting and embrace a sustainable future.

The Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) is once again pleased to be leading this inevitable shift, by welcoming registrations from leading corporations in Canada. Sustainability ESG Program in Canada will gravitate to Energy and Finance.  Even outside these sectors, sustainability touches all the companies which have anything to do with energy, water, agriculture, population, and waste. That means all companies.


The next Canada Certified Sustainability ESG Practitioner Program will take place on October 24-25 & 28, 2024Enroll early and benefit from super early bird and group discounts!


Reach us at [email protected].


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