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Join our Affiliate Program and lead sustainability programs to expand your business

July 8, 2019
Join our Affiliate Program and lead sustainability programs to expand your business

CSE and our Business Network of Affiliates help companies and organizations improve business performance while promoting social, economic and environmental values.

The Sustainability sector is one of the fastest growing business opportunities available.  Start-ups and corporations are looking to install sustainable practices at every level from foreman to financier.  Sustainability Reporting is a trend reaching every major corporation, domestic and international, and many smaller businesses looking to grow and compete.

CSE welcomes Sustainability freelancers and small consulting companies to join our Affiliate program.  CSE selectively partners with creative and engaged sustainability professionals who can teach sustainability principles and lead sustainability programs as consultants.

Joining the CSE network provides:

Ongoing opportunities to expand your resources, knowledge and marketing capacity

Organize CSE’s global Certified Sustainability Training in your country or region

o   Supplement your expertise with CSE resources for joint projects or RFPs

Increased revenue

Conduct CSE Sustainability Trainings in your community and networks

o Get a 15% commission for referring clients outside your expertise to CSE

o Offer CSE’s online courses in a wide variety of Sustainability topics and skills, using your brand as point of reference and get a 25% commission fee.

Increased professional visibility

Expand your client network and get new consulting projects

o Offer clients discounts on External Assurance

o CSE Affiliate logo for your website and presence on CSE website

CSE certified practitioners span the globe with Affiliates in Canada, Central America, Hong Kong, Japan, Oman Qatar, Romania, the UK and, of course, the USA. Current expansion is focused on North & South America, Europe and Africa. 
CSE is vetting applications to join our award-winning family.

Visit our website for more information and to apply.

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