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CSE’s first Corporate Responsibility Report for COSCO (Piraeus Port)

July 4, 2019
CSE’s first Corporate Responsibility Report for COSCO (Piraeus Port)

CSE is proud to announce that the 2018 Corporate Responsibility Report of COSCO for the Piraeus Port, Greece’s historic and largest port, was just released in 3 languages, including Chinese.

The new Report, which was made with the support of CSE, used the GRI Standards, the most reliable and globally used Reporting Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

The Report, which was presented at the company’s headquarters in Athens, Greece, in the presence of top state officials, presents in detail all the responsible actions and policies that the company implements, as well as its positive impact on the wider society, the environment, the local and national economy, adopting the most modern and strict standards of transparency in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility.

The socio – economic footprint of PPA S.A. for 2018, based on the company’s data, international models and statistical sources, is estimated as follows:

– In total, the financial added value of PPA S.A. corresponds to 0.4% of the GDP. More specifically, € 18.3 million were paid in taxes and € 14.3 million in income taxes.

– € 49 million were spent totally in 1.272 local and national suppliers.

– € 426 thousand were invested in Corporate Responsibility initiatives.

– The operation of PPA S.A. has created 1016 direct jobs, 1903 indirect jobs and 1190 induced jobs. Respectively, over € 4.2 million were invested to ensure the health and safety of the employees.

– € 1.800.000 were invested in services aiming to protect the natural environment and reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions by 11% through the installation of a Photovoltaic System, which corresponds to a reduction of 600tn CO2.

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