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How to embed Sustainability into the core of your Business Strategy and Communications

May 17, 2021
How to embed Sustainability into the core of your Business Strategy and Communications

How feasible is it for corporate leaders to understand the correlations between a comprehensive sustainability strategy and the financial benefits of corporate sustainability efforts? Investors on the other hand understand more clearly sustainability is not just a box to tick on a disclosure form.


Leading organizations globally seem to better understand the financial impacts of their sustainability strategies. They act upon a sustainability strategy as a key element for best management practices that can improve business performance and financial outcomes.


Back in 2018, CSE’s research Sustainability (CSR) Reporting Trends in North America 2017 was presented in New York City, Toronto and Tokyo during CSE’s Global Certified Sustainability Practitioner Physical Program thereBased on the research findings, CSE’s Research Department had identified correlations for the first time between Sustainability Reporting and Strategy, and Corporate Financial results that brought the attention of North American media with several publications.


Nikos Avlonas, president and founder of CSE was interviewed by Forbes, which focused on this unique research. You can read the full interview here: Sustainable Reporting: Lessons From the Fortune 500.

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The last few months, disruptions brought by the COVID-19 pandemic have accelerated the efforts to promote sustainability across a broad range of industries. Stakeholders from the private and public sector alike have voiced their support for a sustainable recovery, particularly in Europe. Research shows that C-suite leaders seem to share a consensus on what constitutes material sustainability strategies in their sector. But to fully and accurately assess the financial impact of sustainability efforts, investors and managers need to follow through to examine not just the strategy, but also the methodology (how a strategy was implemented) and the benefits that produced.  These are exactly the positive outcomes that companies must begin to monetize and report the intangible and tangible benefits of ESG investments.


At the same time more than 2.000 studies found positive correlations between good ESG performances, stock price, cost capital and operational achievements. The link between ESG practices and financial results has clear implications for corporate decision-making process. Several frameworks have been developed recently to better integrate ESG data, financial analysis and sustainability reporting.


The Center for Sustainability and Excellence is a leading boutique firm operating globally that specializes in maximizing your social, economic and environmental impact. For more than a decade, we have been helping professionals advance their careers through our certified on-site, online and group training services globally and supporting FORTUNE 500 companies and other organizations to grow and excel through our specialized consulting services, and our unique methodology, which has been successfully applied to more than 100 organizations globally, which allows successful integration of sustainability and significant improvement of ESG performance.


As CSE’s research department continues to provide valuable insights into various aspects of sustainability and ESG performance, it furthers its commitment to high caliber, up-to-date, training in sustainability for C-Suite executives & Sustainability Managers worldwide, the training department is ready to deliver the next digital Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program in June 11-14 and 15, 2021. The Program focuses on all the challenges that professionals have to face in the field of Sustainability Strategy, Supply Chain, Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Communications. 


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