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Climate change is on top of the US election agenda

October 15, 2020
Climate change is on top of the US election agenda

Dealing with climate change took a back seat when we came face to face with a new existential threat (COVID-19) but it is now in the forefront once again as Election Day comes closer and closer. Politicians have taken notice of the wave of change, especially among young voters.


Climate change is only going to become a bigger voter issue and has already climbed close to the top of voters’ priorities. Donald Trump added an environmental talking point into his State of the Union campaign. This topic has gotten a boost from protests, reports issuing dreadful warnings, and extreme weather events bringing the issue too close to home for Americans.


Climate change has now become a top 10 priority for registered voters. That’s significantly higher than 2019. When voters were asked to specify the single most important issue they considered when voting for a candidate, global warming ranked fifth on the list for all registered voters, and first for liberal Democrats.


It seems that people are untied across the country to face this issue. With historic hurricane and fire seasons hitting the US in recent years, weather-related disasters could be driving more people to care about climate change, since people consider their future livelihoods.


According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we have 10 years to halve carbon emissions to avoid a climate catastrophe. And people/voters are not willing to compromise with world leaders not taking drastic actions and heading the wrong way. Pulling our act together means showing up at the ballot box and vote for candidates that support climate and environmental legislation.


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