What the Inflation Reduction Act Could Mean For the Canadian Automotive Industry

The IRA will allow Canadian workers to capitalize on the growing clean economy through new opportunities, specifically in the automotive industry. Last week, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into legislation by President Biden of The United States. Said to create over 900,000 jobs in the next 10 years for the clean manufacturing […]
What the Inflation Reduction Act means for the clean energy industry

On Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives approved new legislation with a heavy focus on cutting carbon emissions and pushing the country toward green energy. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it is “the boldest climate package in US history”, being a budget measure that includes the largest investments in clean energy […]
The Biden Administration Climate Actions

In 2021, the Biden-Harris Administration pledged to reduce U.S. GHG emissions by 50% in 2030. Many say that this is unattainable. So, where has progress been made and what is the U.S. doing to ensure these aren’t empty promises? Let’s break it down and take a closer look at the most recent and reforming […]
How to manage the different sustainability tools & standards (part II)

In part I of this article we presented in detail all the different standrads, metric tools, legislations and directives that are available and all sustainability professionals must be skilled in. How can C-level executives navigate this “brave new world” and not get mired in the maze of acronyms that surrounds the term corporate sustainability? […]
How to manage the different sustainability tools & standards (part I)

Sustainability is the word that could easily reflect the ethos, mood and preoccupations of the majority of earths population in the recent years. If we shift our focus on the corporate world, we can see that the word sustainability has gained a lasting potential and a special significance within a company’s culture. But what […]
Bigger, Cleaner, Smarter: How should Canadian energy systems go for a net zero future.

As the Earth warms, the clock ticks down on the window of opportunity to reverse the devastating effects that climate change brings. Prompt action must be taken to appoach a net zero future. The highest GHG-emitting industry in Canada for the decade from 2009-2019 was the gas and oil industry. It alone was responsible […]
Why Is Your Company’s ESG Rating So Important

As concern around sustainability grows, so does the importance of a company’s ESG rating. Knowing your company’s ESG score is invaluable. Being aware of your sustainability rank within your sector helps indicate areas you can improve and drive your company in the right direction. Being able to look at long-term risks and better […]
New Sustainability Reporting Guidelines for the Superyacht Industry

The Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) in collaboration with the Water Revolution Foundation (WRF) presents the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines: A specialized Sustainability Assessment Framework for the Superyacht Industry. This new Framework is aligned with the criteria of the GRI Guidelines, UN SDGs and EU legislative directives on Sustainability Reporting. In parallel an […]
Companies committing to net-zero emissions hit new record

Businesses across all sectors of the global economy play a crucial role in reducing their environmental impact and accelerating the path to net zero. As pressure on companies to act on climate change rises, more and more companies are setting ambitious emissions reduction targets, supported by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). According to […]
CSE’s New Website is taking up a notch the ESG Tools for Sustainability Professionals

At CSE, we seek to infuse sustainability around the world. We believe that corporations have the most immediate influence. We focus on practitioners who are intrapreneurs – the ones who have passion for sustainability and greener businesses. The Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) is excited to announce the launch of its brand-new website at www.cse-net.org […]