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Maveric Systems Ltd – Board of Directors Training on ESG and Reporting

Maveric Systems Limited provides IT services. The Company offers digital, data management, core banking, compliance, and engineering services. Maveric Systems serves customers worldwide.
Maveric logo

The Challenge

The Organization needed to increase awareness on Sustainability the its Bord of Directors.

The Solution

CSE conducted training for the company’s Board of Directors on Sustainability and ESG. The aim of the training was to educate participants regarding ESG ratings, reporting and how to implement Sustainability Strategy on the organization. The training was custom made by CSE, it included case studies and best practices from organizations in the same sector and benchmarking with competitor organizations.

The Benefits

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Increased awareness on ESG and Sustainability

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Create a common “language” for the Board of Directors to communicate on ESG and Sustainability issues

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Understand competitors' performance and best practices on ESG and Sustainability

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