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Net Zero Hub
Climate Resilience Hub


A chemical by itself doesn’t solve problems. But when that chemical is supported by Buckaman’s rigorously trained industry experts and complemented with the highest-quality products, the latest smart technology and advanced data analysis, then it becomes a solution. Buckman is focused on helping organizations improve productivity, increase profitability and ensure safety, compliance and sustainability.
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The Challenge

Buckman is looking identify opportunities to apply sustainable practices while making advances in innovative chemistry and technology that help its customers have better process control and less of a negative environmental impact

The Solution

In order to identify areas that could represent opportunities or risks for Buckman business  CSE carried out a broad stakeholder survey analyzing issues in terms of their relevance for society, environment and governance   

We went through the following process:

  • Reviewed best practice approaches to materiality and the approaches of Buckman’s peers
  • Consulted a cross-section of stakeholders from across their business to define a list of material issues and prioritize these into high, medium and low importance
  • Created materiality matrix based on GRI standard requirements
  • Suggested areas for improvement for risk reduction

The Benefits

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Identify Material Issues for the organization

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Implement Stakeholder’s survey

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Identify opportunities for Sustainability Risk reduction and stakeholders perception improvement

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