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Net Zero Hub
Climate Resilience Hub

Amita Motion

Amita Motion, the first 100% natural juice with 9 fruits and 7 vitamins, has been distinguished in the Greek market for the last 25 years, since 1993.

The Challenge

Amita Motion Tour 2009-2012

In 2003 for the first time Amita Motion communicated the concept of “positive energy”. The Amita Motion Tour closes with a big concert in Athens. For the Amita Motion Tour 2009, Coca Cola  3E was interested to offsett the emissions from the organisation of the Tour.  Also, they were interested to organise the recycling of the waste that would be produced in the four cities during the Tour.

The Solution

The aim was to offset the GHG emissions that result from the implementation of the tour. CSE made the calculations needed and the verification for the creation of the “Climate Neutral Amita Motion Tour”. The offsetting of the CO2 emissions was made through investing, via  myclimate, a non-profit  Swiss organization, specialising in environmental projects for compensation of CO2 emissions (based on International Standards). The project that Coca Cola 3E chose to invest is a Wind power  plant in Izmir, Turkey. CSE has been performing the calculations for the GHG emissions of the Amita Motion Tour and the management of the recycling during the events for four years (2009-2012).

The Benefits

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Contribution to the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 13 Climate)

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Improve Investors view on Amita Moation’s Sustainability Performance

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