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Canada’s investment in circular economy

September 30, 2022
Canada's investment in circular economy

In their ambitious pursuit of more sustainable economic practices, Canada has invested and focused an increased effort into the adoption of a more circular economy.



Circular economic business models keep products and materials in use for as long as possible to achieve optimum value. Canada’s reputation for their innovation of clean technologies is only advancing the fight against climate change. And as humanity attempts to transition from a linear economy, where products are briefly used then wasted, how long will global cooperation take to implement systematic changes? 


The role of municipal government

Municipal governments are key players in this transition as they take on the negative consequences of the linear economy directly. In Canada, these municipalities are slowly catching up where regions embrace a “nothing goes to waste” lifestyle. To achieve this, the authorities have developed several initiatives that correspond with circular approaches to waste management such as the Repair Café, the Lendery and the Durham York Energy Centre. These are all creative and resourceful movements that encourage the idea of reusing, recycling, remanufacturing, and making products durable. Canadian provinces are also developing a Circular Economy Roadmaps to identify opportunities to integrate the circular economy into its operations, programs, and policies. The overarching goal is to keep products, components, and materials circulating in the economy.


Benefits and opportunities

Investing in circular economic principles will not only bring economic benefits, but tremendous environmental and social benefits to wealthy businesses and the working class as well. If municipalities reduce congestion, reduce waste, and bring down costs, higher economic productivity and new growth will allow communities to thrive. Smaller manufacturing regions have a high concentration of resources and potential. United with a framework that embraces sustainability, there are plenty of opportunities for these high output producers to implement policies. Policies that enable a transition to a circular economy while supporting the many needs of communities in the face of recessions, economic booms, social inequities, and against one of the world’s greatest threats, climate change.


Are you interested in gaining more knowledge of ESG concepts, sustainability strategy, ESG reporting, and responsible communication? Join CSE for our flagship training program, the Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program, where you will learn invaluable skills to support the circular economy transition. Our next training will take place on October 27, 28 & 31 with a focus on Canada.


For more information, please contact [email protected]

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Upcoming Programs: Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program, Leadership Edition 2022.

 Location: Digital Date: October 27, 28 & 31
           Sign Up: Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program, Leadership Edition
           For more information & discounts contact us at [email protected]



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