Will your COVID-19 recovery plan include sustainability?

By Nikos Avlonas, President and Founder of CSE As planning around COVID-19 becomes the new normal, companies are backing off from the extreme measures many imposed early on. Early board room discussions included: no capital expenditures; trolling for positions to cut; removing sustainability as a priority and cutting charitable donations. Then, […]
Reuters Events launches The Responsible Business Europe 2020

London 13, August 2020. CEOs and business leaders from Europe join the Responsible Business Summit 2020 22-23 October 2020. Businesses must embrace a new purpose, one that helps address key societal issues and environmental issues as part of their recovery. Not only is it the right thing to do, but increasingly society expects it […]
How do “green bonds” contribute to sustainable development?

Nikos Avlonas President and Founder of Center of Sustainability and Excellence Visiting Professor University of Illinois Not a new film of the popular series, a new type of bond known as “green bonds” are an investment tool which can, with what they generate, contribute to tackling climate change. As a consequence, more capital managers […]
Can MENA catch up to the rising sea level problem?

2020 seems to have boarded the World on a terrifying train. The bewildering stops have compelled people to reflect and explore all possible means in order to still go through it by living the essential moments we are granted on this earth yet not neglect that proactivity at this point is key to being on […]
Publicly listed companies take note: SASB Standards Important for Sustainability Reporting

A long-time leader in GRI-informed sustainability reporting and consulting, CSE is taking on the next hot reporting trend – SASB – the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board. Both GRI and SASB emphasize transparency. Both are guided by materiality. They differ on purpose. GRI focuses on the economic, environmental and social impacts of a company, […]
What investors’ behavior tells us about firms with responsible strategies on environmental and climate issues during COVID -19 crisis

According to recent research key findings, firms with greater environmental responsibility have better stock returns. It seems that the COVID-19 shock led investors to reward environmental responsibility to a large extent. The Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) innovates in sustainability training and consulting and has an ambitious agenda for 2020 to continue supporting Fortune 500 […]
Three Reasons TCFD & SASB reporting on Climate Scenarios is Important

The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) provides market-driven recommendations for voluntary and consistent climate-related financial risk disclosures in mainstream filings. The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) provides industry specific standards help investors and other market participants assess their portfolios’ exposure to sustainability risks and opportunities. Climate risk is often material, and […]
How Sustainable practices can contribute to the recovery of MENA economies after Covid-19.

Looking for the silver lining, if one could say that amidst the coronavirus, were the reduced numbers of emissions and the opportunity that had been presented to alter the financial situation and turn into a “greener” approach. However, as we go through this recovery phase, emissions are back again in an accelerating mode, witnessing that […]
Canada Oil in the Era of Uncertainty

How the places that supply oil to Cascadia are reacting to the pandemic Oil markets went wild this spring. When the economic distress of coronavirus lockdowns hit, oil futures jumped well into negative pricing territory and oil company stock prices fell radically. The situation was so grim that pipeline operators were actually telling oil companies to stop […]
Exploring the growing impact of technology and data on agriculture and food

Exploring the growing impact of technology and data on agriculture and food https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2128311871200196624 The Food & Agriculture team at Reuters Events is hosting a webinar on Thursday July 16 which will explore the growing impact that technology and data are having across agriculture and food. Bringing together experts from Bayer Crop Science, Syngenta […]