The future of sustainability in Australia

Australia’s carbon emissions dropped 5% in 2020, which marks a considerable progress, considering that Australia had a very poor record on emissions and sustainability after an OECD review back in 2019, which said that as one of the most carbon-intensive economies in the OECD, Australia has no national long-term strategy for lowering emissions, and despite […]
Redefining Asian’s sectors for carbon neutrality

Over the past decade the word is facing three main challenges with Asia being in the epicenter of their effects. These challenges are no other that the climate emergency, the loss of natural habitats and growing inequality. The Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) is pleased to be leading this inevitable shift, by holding the […]
Transforming the biggest carbon emitting sectors for a zero-carbon future

As high level political actors are getting prepared for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November, industries are intensifying their efforts to combat climate risks. This year, the combination of green budgets and carbon pricing by governments has driven the world’s biggest carbon emitters to invest in new business models for a lower […]
MENA Region: Shaping a sustainable future

As identified by The World Economic Forum’s Global Risk Report 2021, environmental risks, such as extreme weather, climate action failure and human environmental damage are the biggest global risks by impact and likelihood. The Middle East is especially vulnerable to climate threats and some governments have already taken measures to advance sustainability and increase their […]
Rise to the Climate Challenge: Step into Sustainability ESG Leadership

By CSE Research Team Join other Senior Representatives of top North America Corporations seeking to learn how to navigate through the new regulatory landscapes for Climate Risk and ESG Disclosures. These are some of the key topics that will be covered in the upcoming CSE specially designed program for C-level Executives – The Certified Sustainability […]
Climate Change 2021: An ecosystem and human crisis just ahead

This should not be another blog expressing the dreadful consequences of climate change. Right now humanity in its whole is witnessing live, the disruption due to dramatically high temperatures that are only meant to keep rising. While scientists have warned that global warming would cause unheard-of events over time, this year’s highest 47.9 C ever […]
How does Canada comply with ESG laws and regulations?

By CSE research team With the growing spotlight on ESG factors and the journey towards ESG measuring and disclosure, with a stress on the long-term economic and social and environmental value, governments globally started to invest massively in sustainable and innovative infrastructure – from clean airplanes to affordable housing. Global leaders brought to light […]
EU introduces the world’s first Carbon Border Tax. How global producers will be affected

By Nikos Avlonas, President of CSE The European Commission has recently announced plans for a new carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), or well know as Carbon Border Tax which would levy charges on non-EU products in relation to their embedded carbon footprint. The mechanism will be phased in gradually from 2026 and will initially […]
Three reasons Seattle Needs Sustainability ESG Practitioners TODAY!

Seattle, consistently near the top of any list of US cities for sustainability and growth and the heart of the tech world, has some of the most progressive environmental and social mandates in the US. Why does a sustainability-oriented city need CSE? For that matter, shouldn’t all cities already have well established sustainability plans? […]
What companies looking for environmental consultants should be aware of

ESG is having a fast-growing impact on the investment funds sector on a worldwide basis and COVID-19 has accelerated the change. Moreover, regulatory activity of a more stringent nature, carbon net-zero emissions pledges and renewables outperforming fossil fuels in terms of yields have been the main market drivers for the ESG evolution. As distinguished […]