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Top 10 ESG Reporting Tips!

April 27, 2022
Top 10 ESG Reporting Tips

ESG reporting is a challenging process and of great importance for your corporate success! CSE is here to help you stay up to date with the changing ESG framework while also integrate ESG principles across your company’s operations in the most effective way.


Find out below the top 10 tips for corporate leaders to write better ESG reports



  • Stay up to date with new legislation and important sustainability (ESG) developments

Specifically, establish ESG as part of your risk management strategy and craft an ESG Roadmap tailored to your organization.


  • Investigate ESG best practices

Explore new regulatory changes and new trends, identify, and mitigate climate risks. Additionally, embed ESG into your corporate investing strategy and create long term ESG Goals.


  • Engage with your stakeholders

Stakeholders continue to ask for access to comparable and reliable metrics to evaluate a particular investment or product. Despite the size of your company, your industry, or your ESG score, integrating ESG factors into corporate decision-making is good risk management.


  • Effectively manage the supply chain complexity

Supply chain management is a strategic necessity for businesses to thrive in a rapidly changing global economy. Moreover, companies should map the full scope of their supply chain (traceability) and report on outcomes and milestones (transparency). In doing so, companies build resilience as they can better anticipate potential opportunities and disruptions.


  • Ensure sources and frameworks

Firstly, to improve the quality of data, companies should ensure the right data sources and what frameworks, or standards can be used to produce the information the investors are looking for.


  • Create a stand-alone ESG committee

Companies with stand-alone ESG committees have higher sustainability scores. In fact, an exclusive committee in ESG reporting ensures that the information disclosed is meaningful to investors.


  • Invest in Artificial Intelligence

Almost every major industry in every corner of the world is leveraging AI.  Increasingly, intelligent machines complement the work being done by humans. Moreover, they replace it outright by providing a superior level of competency.


  • Let the numbers speak for themselves

For example, include a clear, accurate and comprehensive data table in the appendix for regulators and other partners.


  • Consider greater assurance

There is a growing demand for assurance engagements that enhance the degree of confidence. Internal audit or external auditors can request and perform additional assurance over the metrics and information reported.


  • Create a stand-alone ESG committee

Companies with stand-alone ESG committees have higher sustainability scores. An exclusive committee in ESG reporting makes sure that the information disclosed is meaningful to investors.


Get in the know

Are you looking to address key esg challenges while also equip your business with updated knowledge?  CSE offers upcoming certified online practitioner programs to get these practical tool and help you develop an esg vision and strategy! Join us in the exclusive training that takes place on June 9-10 & 13 (leadership edition) Limited seats.

For more information & group discounts contact us at [email protected]


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