CSE’s New Website is taking up a notch the ESG Tools for Sustainability Professionals

At CSE, we seek to infuse sustainability around the world. We believe that corporations have the most immediate influence. We focus on practitioners who are intrapreneurs – the ones who have passion for sustainability and greener businesses. The Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) is excited to announce the launch of its brand-new website at www.cse-net.org […]
Renewable energy is key to achieving SDG 7 and building sustainable economies in a post COVID-19 world

The power sector is the engine of global economy, supplying electricity to all other sectors. Good and services depend on it. In times of crisis, such as a pandemic, reliable electricity supply has become critical for sustained medical services and working remotely under lockdown conditions. Power is essential for driving economic growth. Achieving Sustainable Development […]
Could AI make ESG data more reliable ?

There is an increasing and urgent need for greater transparency, reliability and comparability of ESG (environmental, social and governance) performance data reported by companies. ESG data has become an important factor in determining a company’s valuation and a vital medium to access financing and capital. As a result we are seeing a significant increase in Sustainability reporting, […]
Moody’s partners with CSE on upcoming Sustainability Certified Training Program in Toronto

CSE proudly announces a new partnership/sponsorship with Moody’s on the Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Program taking place this fall in Toronto, Canada. The Advanced training program is designed for CEOs and C-level executives who want to make Sustainability a driver for organizational change, risk management, innovation and success. Hosting a keynote speech by a Moody’s executive, […]
Global partnership on Sustainability Education between IATA and CSE

CSE is proud to announce the design of a new Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Program, which will be offered by IATA as part of the company’s training services for its management executives. This course for aviation professionals offers specialized knowledge on all the latest practical tools and resources required to implement or upscale corporate sustainability […]