Defining a well-structured live online sustainability program with digital coursework
You are about to reach a decision on improving your career in the field of Sustainability ESG and take an advanced course, like CSE’s upcoming Live Online Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program, Advanced Edition 2024. What questions should you ask before deciding? Is Sustainability ESG training right for me? Training is appropriate for […]
ESG challenges for C-Suite Executives in 2022
ESG will remain a massive topic in 2022 and will be increasingly important for businesses, individuals, and legislators. The top ESG challenges for business leaders in 2022: Disclosures become more standardized, more expected, and more mandated: Reporting requirements like TCFD are bringing ESG reporting to the board’s attention and, as a result, magnifying focus on […]
Executives Praise CSE Training
June 15, 2021, was the culmination of CSE’s advanced Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program, Digital Edition (2021). Twenty-five C-suite, senior directors and managers attended this, the final three days of the training with live instruction from CSE’s founder and president Nikos Avlonas, CSE’s lead trainers for North America and program coordinator. The three-day live sessions […]