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Maximize the benefits of your organization and join the upcoming GRI Standards, Certified Training Course

October 9, 2023
Global | GRI Standards, Certified Training Course

The new GRI Standards promote accurate and transparent reporting, emphasizing climate change, human rights, and gender equality updates. Companies should address sustainability issues affecting their operations and reputation. There are increasing calls from both policy makers and society for organizations to understand and report the impact they have on their activities.  As per the findings of the Edelman Trust Barometer for 2023, a significant 82% of individuals advocate for CEOs (and consequently, their organizations) publicly express their stance on climate change.

Global | GRI Standards, Certified Training Course


There are several compelling reasons to consider joining our Global GRI Standards, Certified Training Course (New Version on ESG Reporting):

Enhance Sustainability Reporting Skills:

GRI training programs provide valuable insights and knowledge on the GRI reporting standards and practices. They can help you develop the skills needed to create accurate and comprehensive sustainability reports.

Meet Stakeholder Expectations:

Stakeholders, including investors, customers, and regulators, increasingly demand transparent and reliable sustainability information. GRI Standards can help you meet these expectations by effectively reporting on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.


GRI standards often encourage organizations to think creatively about sustainability challenges and solutions. Training can stimulate innovation within your organization as you explore new ways to address ESG issues.

Corporate Responsibility:

GRI training aligns with corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, allowing your organization to fulfill its commitment to responsible business practices.

Long-Term Sustainability:

GRI standards promote a long-term view of sustainability, which can help organizations build resilience and thrive in an ever-changing business landscape.


CSE, as a global GRI Training Partner, invites you to experience a game-changing learning journey through our Global | GRI Standards, Certified Training Course (New Version on ESG Reporting) scheduled on November 6,7 & 9. Whether you possess prior experience as a sustainability reporter or are embarking on your inaugural reporting venture, the training course prepares you to execute the reporting process seamlessly within your organization.


What will you learn?

  • Improve the quality of your Sustainability- ESG reporting
  • Understand the GRI Standards and the reporting process
  • Identify, prioritize and report on material topics
  • Link the sustainability report to the other sustainability standards


Don’t miss the opportunity to acquire the professional certification of attendance issued directly by GRI, the world’s leading standard setter for sustainability disclosure! Click here to learn specific information on the key modules to be covered and their content

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