
Nikos Avlonas of CSE Presented His New book on Practical Sustainability Strategies in Chicago

Nikos Avlonas of CSE Presented His New book on Practical Sustainability Strategies in Chicago

Chicago, Febr. 12 – On Tuesday, February 11, Nikos Avlonas, President of the Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE), and George Nassos, Principal of George Nassos Associates, presented in Chicago  their new book entitled “Practical Sustainability Strategies: How to gain a competitive advantage.” The book, recently published John Wiley & Sons, Inc., already got its […]

Materiality based on new GRI G4 guidelines and Social Return on Investment introduced in CSE’s Advanced Certified Sustainability Training in Houston

Materiality based on new GRI G4 guidelines and Social Return on Investment introduced in CSE’s Advanced Certified Sustainability Training in Houston

Houston, February 11 – The Center for Sustainability and Excellence’s Advanced Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Training last week proved to be a huge sold-out success for the fifth year running. Participants from leading organizations worldwide, including Coca-Cola, United States Postal Services, ABM and NASA, an organization that attended our training for the very first time, […]

Learn how Sustainability works in scenic beauty of Bali island

Learn how Sustainability works in scenic beauty of Bali island

Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Jakarta, 01 February – The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) with exclusive cooperation with PT. Karisman Primalulang(the inQuest Consulting)will deliver the Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Training (IEMA approved)  in Indonesia – Bali, 26-27 March 2014. The two-day training will discuss CSR / Sustainability issues from global to national levels. The training […]

CSE Conducts Successfully Its Roundtable on SROI and its Effect on Today’s Market

CSE Conducts Successfully Its Roundtable on SROI and its Effect on Today’s Market

Athens, December, 2014 Being its basic scope to keep up with its groundbreaking actions in order to deliver correct and substantial information on Corporate and Social Responsibility issues, CSE conducted with great success yesterday, on December 3rd, at Divani Caravel hotel a Roundtable posing a critical question: ‘How can we measure the social effect of […]

Global Leading Sustainability Professionals Drive Success at CSE Event in Atlanta

Global Leading Sustainability Professionals Drive Success at CSE Event in Atlanta

Professionals attended CSE’s training that offered them opportunities for intense learning and development Atlanta, November 15 – The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE), a leading accredited training provider of sustainability in North America, delivered its globally recognized Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Training on November 14-15 in Atlanta. During this challenging two-day training course, CSE […]

CSE Certifies its 1st G4-GRI Reporters

CSE Certifies its 1st G4-GRI Reporters

Athens & Dubai CSE, as an official GRI Partner certifies its 1st G4-GRI Reporters just a few months after the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) published its 4th generation guidelines G4 , in May 2013, aiming to help reporters prepare sustainability reports that matter more to their stakeholders. The G4/G3.1 Combined Training on Reporting (G4 Certificate) was successfully […]

The Centre for Sustainability & Excellence (CSE) announces the Global Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Challenge Winners! – 2013

The Centre for Sustainability & Excellence (CSE) announces the Global Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Challenge Winners! - 2013

The Centre for Sustainability & Excellence (CSE), recognized as an educational and training leader in implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), for the second year running concluded its international competition among Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioners known as the Global Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Challenge to celebrate its CSR A-List, currently implementing the most innovative and prestige initiatives. In order to […]

CSE Named as One of The Most Sustainable Businesses in Chicago

CSE Named as One of The Most Sustainable Businesses in Chicago

The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE), a global strategic advisory and training organization, is proud to announce that the City of Chicago has mentioned it in a regional report as one of the leaders in sustainability and social innovation. According to the report, CSE’s supportive and innovative efforts contribute to the city’s vision toward making […]

CSE Delivers Another Successful Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Training in London

CSE Delivers Another Successful Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Training in London

As with our Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Training just a few months ago in London, the outcome of last week’s CSP-P Training was an absolute resounding success (as the British would say), hosted again in Sheppard’s Bush most creative venue K-West Spa Hotel. The new group of CSE-CSR-Practitioners (now closely reaching 500), representing companies such as Qatar […]

Companies with Certified CSR-Practitioners Increase their CSR Performance

Companies with Certified CSR-Practitioners Increase their CSR Performance

EXCITING RESULTS FROM CSRHUB CASE STUDY Following a very hot and productive summer, CSE recently conducted a research based on CSRhub to discover just how important CSR-Practitioners are in advancing companies’ sustainability journey. For those of you who aren’t aware CSRHub is a leading corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability rating and information database. In […]