CSE welcomes NHS and Laurie Peterson a former NASA JSC Sustainability Champion to its global network of affiliates!

The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence is excited to welcome New Horizon Strategies, LLC to its network of affiliates! New Horizon Strategies (NHS), provides individuals and organizations the necessary support to reach astonishing milestones. NHS offers professional speaking, coaching, consulting, and facilitation in the niches of both business and career ventures. Laurie Peterson founded New Horizon Strategies, […]
CSE delivers another successful session of the Certified Sustainability Practitioner Program in New York City!

Only a few days ago, CSE successfully delivered on the 23rd and 24th of May in New York City the Advanced Edition 2016 of the global Certified Sustainability Practitioner Program. This high level professional training was fully booked and once again CSE managed to bring together executives from all over the globe! Executives from different […]
The CSE’s Sustainability Academy leads the way in Certified Specialized Sustainability (CSR) Education

Affordable, online education and coaching to transform society and the environment Having identified an existing gap in Sustainability education globally, the Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) wants to create a strong Sustainability culture by empowering professionals, entrepreneurs and graduates and offers practical and up to date education in this important field. Its new global […]
Advanced Sustainability Workshop by DePaul University (CPE) in collaboration with CSE

We are excited to announce that DePaul University (CPE) is hosting the Sustainability Practitioner Workshop in collaboration with the Centre for Sustainability & Excellence (CSE) and invites you to join this June a unique sustainability event in Chicago! This two-day workshop provides an in depth knowledge of practical sustainability tools and strategies required to implement or upscale existing sustainability […]
Leading speakers from NASA JSC in the new advanced Certified Sustainability Practitioner Program in Houston, TX

CSE successfully delivered the 24th and 25th of March in Houston, Texas the Advanced Edition 2016 of the global Certified Sustainability Practitioner Program and brought together professionals, eager in further developing and enhancing their business strategies though CSR frameworks. Leading Guest speakers from NASA, Laurie Peterson, Certified Sustainability Practitioner and NASA’S Sustainability Champion since 2012 as […]
Is the CSR profession the job of the future?

The Centre for Sustainability & Excellence always believed so and during the last few years, this belief has turned into reality as thousands of companies are hiring Sustainability and CSR professionals with specialized education. Research from various sources has shown that since the introduction of the term of sustainable development in the late 1980s, there […]
CSE celebrates 10 years of making a global impact in Sustainability and CSR!

CSE celebrates 10 years of global Leadership in Professional Education and Specialized Advisory services for Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility! In these 10 years, the CSE has created a new sector and thousands of new companies and jobs in the field! As the story goes, the CSE has provided accredited training programs to more than 5,000 […]
Sustainability Reporting Trends in North America

Which are the Sectors widely Reporting and what are the Guidelines mostly used The latest CSE research focuses on the sustainability reporting trends of companies and organizations in North America, on the use of specific reporting standards and guidelines, and on the external assurance practices mostly followed. This research was conducted by analyzing more than […]
CSE partner myclimate recognized by UN Secreatery Ba Ki-Moon for its carbon reductions projects

myclimate projects will receive honours at this year’s Climate Summit in Paris. The United Nations Climate Secretariat will be recognising them as “Global Lighthouse Activities” with the Momentum for Change Award. During the summit, the project “Solar Energy for Education and Telephony” will be receiving the sought-after award directly from UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon. […]
Nikos Avlonas, CSE President coordinated the first series of round-table panel discussion on Corporate Sustainability in DePaul University (Chicago)

DePaul University’s Department of Management organized, on November 11th 2015, the first in a series of round-table discussions on Corporate Sustainability. In this event sustainability professionals, students and faculty members shared and discussed ideas, challenges and best practices. Speakers from leading Chicago companies, including Pepsico, ITW, Grainger and Windfree, shared their success stories. The event […]