
How Florida’s Anti-ESG Legislation Could Affect the Competitiveness of US Businesses

How Florida's Anti-ESG Legislation Could Affect the Competitiveness of US Businesses

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ recent signing of an anti-ESG legislation has sent shockwaves through the ESG investing community in the US. The new law prohibits state officials from investing public funds in funds that prioritize ESG goals and also prohibits ESG bond sales. While some believe that the legislation is primarily a political move, others […]

How to get prepared for the new SEC Climate Rule

How to get prepared for the new SEC Climate Rule

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed a rule that mandates all publicly traded companies, regardless of size, to disclose information about greenhouse gas emissions and climate risks. While many companies are already accounting for or planning to measure scope 1 and 2 emissions, are they prepared to address climate risks and scope 3?   […]

How UK businesses should manage top 3 Corporate Challenges

How UK businesses should manage top 3 Corporate Challenges

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors have become significantly important in recent years, and UK businesses are now facing multiple challenges while navigating ESG regulations. ESG regulations are complex and businesses must comply with many rules from different regulatory bodies, which is a major challenge. Additionally, frequent changes in ESG regulations can create confusion and […]

Embrace the 3 R’s toward a zero waste and a thriving circular economy

Zero waste and circular economy

Key Steps Towards a Sustainable Future of Zero Waste Zero waste strives to eliminate waste through ongoing reduction and recapture methods, while the circular economy aims to accurately value resources and promote their resale and recovery. Although recycling is beneficial, adopting the 3 R’s below can lead to more impactful action toward a sustainable future. […]

Shining a light on ESG ratings for enterprises

Shining a light on ESG ratings for enterprises

With global investors being increasingly focused on ESG ratings & issues in their investment strategies – according to the Capital Group ESG Global Study, roughly 89 percent of investors considered ESG issues in some form as part of their investment approach in 2022 – it’s no surprise that the acronym “ESG” has never been more […]

How to align your sustainability performance with the latest EU Directive

EU Directive

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) expanded the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and set out new requirements for sustainability reporting for companies operating in the European Union (EU). The aim of CSRD is to increase the quality, consistency, and comparability of sustainability reporting across all European Union (EU) companies. For this reason, it requires large […]

ESG Disclosure & Reporting in Canada

ESG Disclosure Canada

As investors look to understand the environmental, social, and governance risks and opportunities associated with their investments, ESG transparency and disclosure have grown in importance in recent years. This development has received more attention in Canada as regulators, investors, and businesses all work to advance ESG reporting practices. ESG disclosure has been actively improved by […]

2023: a crash test year for US companies on their ESG efforts

2023: a crash test year for US companies on their ESG efforts

In 2022 many issues on corporate Sustainability and ESG assumed a refined focus. New regulations came into play that are shaping the sustainability agenda and changing the way companies do business in different jurisdictions. More and more boards, in recognition of the important role ESG plays in driving long-term value creation, are disclosing how their […]