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National Sustainability Index in Oman

Oman Environmental Service Holding Company S.A.O.C (be’ah) was established in 2007.Be'ah which is a governmental organizations works on moving towards sustainable waste management practices as per international standards by establishing the required infrastructure, restructure the municipal waste collection services, and improve public awareness of waste management.
National Sustainability Index in Oman

The Challenge

Oman through its “2040 Vision” has unveiled a roadmap to claiming its place within the global competitive landscape through diversified and sustainable economic measures. The country aimed to (i) double the per capita share of GDP to reach a 6 percent growth, with non-oil sectors, primarily tourism, logistics, manufacturing, fisheries and mining; (ii) increase the rate of Omani nationals in the private sector to 42%; and (iii) increase foreign investment to 10 percent of GDP. It needed to create a framework that would allow Oman government to assess the top-performing companies in implementing sustainable practices pertaining to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, which align with Oman Vision 2040 objectives.

The Solution

CSE developed  in 2020 the Oman Sustainability Index at the invitation of Government entity Beah in Oman. The Oman Sustainability index have been meticulously categorised into various sections, highlighting the country efforts towards sustainable practices in ESG topics (environmental, social, governance and human resources domains) and  several  government, private corporate entities are getting assessed on an annual basis. The assessment, which is evidence based, includes 50 key performance indicators aligned with important ESG guidelines (GRI, SASB ) and each applicate receive a detailed assessment report and recognition on its achievements.

The Benefits

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Increased awareness on ESG and Sustainability

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Assessing ESG status in accordance with key international criteria for all types of organizations

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Be able to evaluate the social impact, the contribution to local communities and the effective supply chain management

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Examine the efficiency of the environmental management system, the energy consumption, the waste management and the emissions reduction

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Assess the performance in ensuring employees' health, safety, training and education and providing job opportunities for the community

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