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Buckman – Sustainability Report

A chemical by itself doesn’t solve problems. But when that chemical is supported by Buckaman’s rigorously trained industry experts and complemented with the highest quality products, the latest smart technology, and advanced data analysis, then it becomes a solution. Buckman is focused on helping organizations improve productivity, increase profitability, and ensure safety, compliance, and sustainability.
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The Challenge

Buckman is looking to identify opportunities to apply sustainable practices while making advances in innovative chemistry and technology that help its customers have better process control and less of a negative environmental impact.

The Solution

CSE assisted Buckman in creating its Materiality Assessment and Sustainability Report for 2021 and 2022 prepared “in accordance” with the Standards Sustainability Reporting Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

The Benefits

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Creation of the company’s sustainability report

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Identification of opportunities for Sustainability Risk Reduction

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Increased Brand Image reputation and Stakeholder engagement tool

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