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Piraeus Bank – SROI

Piraeus Financial Holdings S.A. is a financial holdings company, listed on the Athens Stock Exchange, and the parent company of the banking institution “Piraeus Bank S.A.”. The key subsidiary of Piraeus Financial Holdings S.A. is Piraeus Bank S.A., it is headquartered in Athens, generates 95% of the Group’s revenues, and has approximately 10.9 thousand employees. Piraeus Bank offers a full range of financial products and services to 5.5mn customers in Greece.
piraeus bank

The Challenge

Project Future is the pioneering corporate responsibility program of Piraeus Bank, which utilizes the know-how of the ReGeneration Academy in order to bridge the gap between higher education and the labor market. The bank wanted to know the impact that this program has on society through enhancing the skills of the participants and increasing their chances for employment.

The Solution

Social return on investment (SROI) is a principles-based method for measuring extra-financial value relative to resources invested. It can be used by any entity to evaluate impact on stakeholders, identify ways to improve performance, and enhance the performance of investments. SROI methodology was used to calculate the Social Return on Investment for the Project Future of Piraeus Bank for 2 years in a row.

The Benefits

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Understanding the impact of the Project Future program for the stakeholders

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More Effective Decision-making for improving impact

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Improved Communication between stakeholders

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Better Focus on what’s Important for the continuation of the program

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