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Our Sustainability Policy

We like to walk the talk. This is why we pay extra attention to our Sustainability Policy and Reports.

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    CSE Statement of Continued Support for the UN Global Compact

    CSE Statement of Continued Support for the UN Global Compact CSE, being one of the first companies in its sector that released a sustainability report in 2008, is now among the first companies globaly to publicly report its sustainability performance in accordance with the latest release of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI G4) Guidelines.

    Looking back over the past years, we are really proud to have met our commitment to globalize sustainability, by including new services to our portfolio and expanding into new areas. Our flexible working structure has enabled us to meet our targets, expand and exceed customer expectations. Our long-lasting partnerships are becoming stronger while new collaborations are providing valuable insight for further growth.
    Since 2008, CSE has embraced the UN Global Compact and endorsed its 10 Principles, such as Human Rights, Labour standards, Environment and Anti-corruption and is committed to acting responsibly.

    We have incorporated the UN Global Compact and its Principles in our policy, and operations. In addition, we promote these ideals to all markets in which we have an active presence, proving they are a vital component of our strategic direction. Within the same rationale, CSE is a Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Certified Training Provider in Greece and Middle East.

    Our commitment to sustainability is a statement of our progress, our achievements and our goals for the future. Transparency is a fundamental part of our activities and we ensure that information pertaining to the economic, social and environmental impact of our operations is accessible and available to all stakeholders.

    Our recent sustainability report provides a detailed presentation of our commitment to each of the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact and GRi G4 Guidelines. Our policies, processes and management systems in place, as well as our actions and targets for continuous improvement are outlined here. We hope you will find them motivating and informative and as we strive to improve, we look forward to any comments and suggestions you might have.

    CSE Sustainability Reports

    GRI Sustainability Report 2022-23

    GRI G4 Sustainability Report 2014-2016

    GRI G4 Sustainability Report 2011-13

    CSE Sustainability Report 2009

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